Name: Vulga Remmington As Pictured except with a blue color scheme instead of green Personality: Vulga is as close to an emotionless sentient being as one can be, being a personification of cold, uncaring logic. He cares nothing for other people's lives, and his unflinching loyalty is solely to Asmodeus, God of the Infernum. He is first and foremost a tempter of human souls, and will spread any form of blasphemy or tell any sort of lie to convert others to follow the will of the Prince of Darkness, Asmodeus. Being a devil, he automatically views himself as superior to all other forms of life, including lesser devils. Being of the higher eshalon, he carries himself with regal superiority, but while he may mask his maliciousness behind cordial behavior and and even apologize for offensive mannerisms, it is a thin veil indeed. Abilities: Devil Physiology: Vulga is more or less a living construct of the prideful and tyrannic energies of the fiery pits of Infernum. As such, he is at home in even the most blazing or frigid of tempretures (Though he is still supsitable to being frozen by liquid nitrogen and such). This also makes him near impervious to extreme heat, even from napalm and most normal lasers. He also has immunites to poisons and lacks the need to eat, breathe or sleep. His body can also take small to heavy caliber fire without harm. He also lacks internal organs, meaning stabbing him where his "heart" should be would have no effect. There is a downside though. Because he is consistant of the lawful magics of the Infernum, he is extremely suseptable to chaos magic, and can weaken his grip on his powers. He is also weak against any holy or silver weaponry. Regeneration: Vulga can regenerate limbs in a manner of hours, but cannot regenerate on the fly. Master of Illusion: Vulga is a master of Illusion magic, able to mask his prescense from others or create illusions almost indistinguishable from reality, though only in a small radius. Alter Self: Vulga can mimic the biology and appearance of any humanoid creature. Screen: Vulga can make himself near undetectable by psychic means for up to 24 hours, after which he cannot cast this spell again for 12 hours. Telepathy: Can communicate with willing participates telepathicaly up to 100ft away. Forbidden Lore-Infernum: Vulga is very knowledgable on the inner workings of the Infernum, and has a high standing in the Diabolical courts. Boundless Reach: Vulga can detach and operate his claws. The claws are sharp enough to slice through flesh and body armor with ease. Evangelization (Only affects NPCs): Vulga's very words are posion to the mind. Those who listen to him for prolonged periods of time can be subconsiously swayed or be put into a deep slumber. Indomitable Oration: Vulga's words can be heard even through loud noise, water, and even an airless void. This effect cannot be blocked by mundane means. Ohrwurm: Once per day, Vulga can whisper a terrifying truth/hex to one creature within 5 feet that can hear him. Those who hear this hex are not affected at first, though they do feel a sense of uneasiness. Whenever they attempt to rest or sleep, however, they are plagued with nightmarish, Hellish visons from Infernum. While under this affect, they are more susptible to Vulga's illusions. This hex can be removed or prevented through most anti-curse spells, items, or holy artefacts. Flight: Can fly up to the speed of an average car. Greater Teleport: Vulga can teleport vast distances, but it requires a minute to charge up, leaving Vulga open to attack. If his concentration is interupted, he must start from the begginning. Darkvision: Can see in complete non-magical darkness Universe of Origin: Original (Similar to the Pathfinder RPG) Equipment: N/A Theme Song: Gods of Doom by Heavy Lord @Mention Quote Edit: Last image url was not found anymore, so I used a different url