Name: Martin Robinson, the robotics expert. Appearance: Imagine a purple alien creature that's covered in fur. Like a sheep person. In a lab coat. With robotic implants. That's Martin. Personality: Martin is....odd. He tends to yell at people when agitated slightly, kick things, or just sorta zone out while trying to think of what to do next. These moments of zoning out are his most dangerous, because what he might do next is completely random. Abilities: Robotic Genius: Martin is immensely gifted when it comes to robotics, coming from a futuristic universe where cyborgs, and laser weaponry is common. As such, with a few components, Martin is able to cobble together amazing creations. Give him a scrap yard, and he'd be able to build nigh anything, save for the truly outlandish. Robotic Implants: Martin has, and is able to create, robotic implants for himself. This has given him super human speed, strength and reaction time. Think double the human capacity. Equipment: The entire space station 13, minus any of the crew, or the singularity powering it. This space station is the size of a large school, complete with kitchin, helm, robotics lab, genetics lab, xenobiology lab, which houses slimes, small creatures that have special properties depending on the slime, and more. This is the base station. If supplied with a powerful enough power source, it can fly, use automated security, and be a factory for Martin's robotic creations. Downsides, at the current, it's stuck in Switzerland, with no real way of powering up it's main functions...yet. Without the singularity, space station 13 is relatively tame. Origin: Space Station 13: The game. Theme Song: Turn down for Whattamu? The Pillar Hype Man theme.