[quote=Dervish] Don't get me wrong, I totally see where they're coming from and happen to agree with a lot of their points, but how a lot of people went about it was just... over dramatic. You'd think BioWare released Duke Nukem Forever or Aliens: Colonial Marines or something. I mean, yeah, I would have liked the ending to been a LOT stronger and not felt like such a pointless cop out where it showcased exactly how overly ambitious (and impossible it would be) BioWare was with making your choices matter (and EA, no doubt, forced BioWare into some rather poor "creative" decisions). I think a part of the reason the ending didn't feel like a total cock slap to me was I didn't actually believe that they were going to be able to pull off what they promised. After all, how much game space would have been used up by all the potential endings and choices, plus all the resources/ time/ acting and what have you to have it been meaningful? I certainly wasn't expecting a virtually identical, three choice ending that didn't acknowledge ANYTHING that I did over the course of the game up until that final choice, which was a huge let down (I will also point out that it was like 4 in the morning in a hotel and I was EXHAUSTED when I finished the game, so I didn't have energy to be outraged or anything, which probably is a part of the reason I'm mellow about it), but I think the Extended Cut, at least, was a good step in the right direction. I think they'll probably have learned from their mistakes for the inevitable next trilogy, kind of like how Inquisition looks like it's going to go WAY away from how cut and paste DA2 was. [/quote] I completely agree for the most part. I don't even really care that much about DA2 or ME3's ending as isolated incidents. It's the trend that scares me. Writers leaving, being taken off teams, being replaced with people who are so obsessed with their 'artistic vision' that they'll ignore valid complaints and treat them like shitposts. Fuck, I probably wouldn't even care if bioware was a standalone company. I mean, for example, Bethesda is full of fucking problems, but I still like them as a company and buy their shit. It's bioware being under EA that fucking terrifies me. EA absorbed Maxis, dissolved it, and ended up slapping the Maxis logo on terrible games just to sell them. I like Bioware, and I don't want to see a game one day with the bioware logo on it, and know that not a single person from bioware had anything to do with it. And the fact that EA has done it before, and seeing a bunch of bioware people quitting projects and being replaced, it actually makes it look like a possibility to me, and that's honestly sad.