[Center][img]http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/03/24/20/3287563100000578-3508521-image-a-3_1458853100312.jpg[/img] MADDOX AGE UNKNOWN|REAPER|THE FIRST OF HIS KIND Powers: telekinesis, teleportation, acute aura sense, access to all realms, the ability to come in contact with souls directly. The ability to stop time to ferry souls, most clocks will permanently stop if there is one nearby. All reapers have extensive knowledge of the balance between life and death, can sense corruption or change in a soul's nature, and are a true neutral as death is unbiased. Duties: reapers ferry souls to their proper place in the after life. They bring souls to trials if necessary and then usher them to their after life once they have been judged. New reapers, though rare, cannot ferry souls until they get their other powers down, the last one taught is always accessing other realms. -- [IMG]https://c4.wallpaperflare.com/wallpaper/327/132/919/ian-somerhalder-actor-celebrity-brunette-wallpaper-preview.jpg[/IMG] DEATH AS OLD AS TIME|THE GRIM REAPER|THE EQUALIZER[/CENTER]