Her complement fueled the color in Cinead's face, but he did his best not to turn away with the show of weakness. Instead, he focused on what she was telling him, watching her as she began dancing with him. After a moment of observation, he began to mimic her actions, Gradually smoothing out his steps, finding himself instinctively moving along with the rhythm of the music. Abruptly, he grinned. "this is unexpectedly fun." He admitted, making sure to shout over the music so that Anna would be able to hear him. Out of the corner of his eye, Cin watched as another couple danced nearby, the man with his hands on a girl's waste, bodies Close together. He wondered if Anna was expecting him to dance with her that way... Hesitantly, he took a small step forward, going with the music. And then he was hit with an unexpected fluttering in his stomach. Apprehension. Worry. Fear. Excitement. He traded several similar descriptions in his mind to what the unexpected feeling was. They all seemed to be connected to the idea of reaching out and putting his hands on Anna's waste. A low growl quietly rumbled in his chest in response to the increased negative stimulation, his dragon self asserting it's self in a denial to the weakness. Gold swimming in his irises, Cinead confidently reached out, stepping closer to Anna and putting his hands on her torso, too tall to comfortably place his hands on her waist.