[hider=Addisson][center][hider=Try this, but with a less visible chest][img]http://allplatformgaming.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/adieu-e1462456342617.jpg[/img][/hider] [h3]Adisson, the Masquerade Thief[/h3] [b]Gender:[/b] ... Questionable. [b]Age:[/b] Also questionable. [b]Race:[/b] Well, s/he [i]looks[/i] human. About as good as it gets. [b]Equipment[/b] - [u]2x Rapiers[/u], both with a sapphire lapi within the hilt. The shorter of the two seems to be more of a heavy hitter, whereas the longer blade is lightweight and much better at light attacks. The two lapi are frost lapi which will turn anything into ice, the one on the longer blade being weaker though having greater duration than that of the short blade. Addisson tries not to use them too often, unless it proves useful. - [u]Mystery Mask:[/u] A mask imbued with mystery! Seriously, the lapi which powers this mask makes the wearer practically anonymous! If their body is covered in the right places, then even age and gender become difficult to pinpoint. It does so by creating a sort of "crowd illusion" about the person, making details of their features less easy to pick out. This makes it so that even in one-on-one conversations between Adisson and another person in close proximity, people will find it difficult to see whom Adisson really is. - [u]Simple cloth and leather outfit[/u] (like the one in the image, except without the chest showing). - [u]Lapi Necklace of Shadow:[/u] For when things require a little less class and a bit more sneak, Adisson has this neat little trinket. Although perfectly capable on their own, this fancy necklace helps footsteps echo less, and make their presence appear darker when in darkness. It works more like a hallucination lapi than something which makes her look more like shadow, affecting others sight and making Adisson blend in more with the surroundings when around dark places, kind of like a gecko. However, the necklace needs to be in the viewer's sight (not necessarily direct) to be effective. [b]Abilities[/b] Adisson has no connection to magical abilities or lapi outside of her equipment. [b]Talents[/b] - [u]Charming, Charismatic, And Clever[/u], Adisson is even better at getting what's needed through words than thieving. Always the classy type, Adisson takes on the persona of the elegant Casanova, capable of sweeping men and women alike off their feet. Through patience, kindness and skill, the Masquerade Thief can often pull off what many great speakers and thieves cannot, and has done so in the past more than a few times before... - [u]Quiet As Nothing; Nothing Left Quiet[/u] is the motto said, due to their tendency to be an [b]exceptional[/b] thief! Goods are stolen without a sound, and it's always made clear when Adisson has stolen from someone by a small piece of paper with a humming bird logo, the word "Adieu" written rather fancily. In a nutshell, Adisson is a damn good thief, and knows it! - [u]Fencing Skill:[/u] In case things get a little too rough for running, Adisson has two rapiers, and is capable of wielding both. Both blades can be used offensively and defensively, however each blade serves a different purpose, and makes the custom fencing style rather unique and difficult to decipher. Adisson tries not to kill when possible, but isn't afraid to end a life if needed. - [u]Perceptive[/u] would be an understatement. Adisson has a habit of understanding, seeing or hearing things to a high degree. Be it in combat or casual conversation, Adisson is especially perceptive, but far from all-knowing. [b]Personality:[/b] Adisson is the definition of class. A weird mix between chivalrous and informal, the Masquerade Thief has sweet talked more than their fair share of guards, merchants and even fellow thieves! Good with their compliments, and even better with vocabulary, Adisson makes every conversation as though "I'm trying to be your best friend~!". Mysterious, witty, and strong, all three qualities help define Adisson as a person, as well as a refined level of calm one can only get from years of practice. Who would expect any less from the Bandit Thief of the Thieves Guild? [b]Biography:[/b] Adisson has never spoken to anyone about his past, at least not specifically. She grew up in an ordinary but bustling town, with references to nobility and a great education. He then goes on to talk about her depression into the darker side of life after an unnamed traumatic incident, and how he will forever wear the mask which covers her face. The details beyond that are rather misleading, and Adisson never tells the remainder of his history regarding herself the same way. For example, on of his most iconic stories is that involving her going from riches to rags, then back to riches. After losing everything in what he can only assume was assassin thieves, Adisson's family was killed before her very eyes, and he was forced to escape into the night. She managed to survive for so long thanks to the kindness of the bustling townspeople, and so decided to become the kind of thief who would steal from the rich and give it to the poor, starting from the bottom and working his way up to the top. Her goal is to find those who took his family away from her and make them pay, preferably in a noble way, for the sake of irony. Another such story is that Adisson was always a thief. He was raised to be the noble daughter of an esteemed household by day, though by night his family would uptake the identity of thieves, and steal from fellow nobles. Not only that, but by day Adisson and her family would steal with their tongues what they couldn't with their hands, robbing the noblemen and women blind. However one day, there was a bust. Her house was raided by guards, and he was forced to escape, losing it all to the guards of his hometown. Her family went into hiding, and eventually went their separate ways, though remain in touch through letters, secretly delivered to the Masquerade Thief with details regarding upcoming heists... Whichever story you hear, you can never really be certain of Adisson's history. Hell, it's entirely possible he might not even know it herself! [b]Other:[/b] [hider=Swords][img]http://imgs.inkfrog.com/pix/superblades/3039.jpg[/img][/hider] Yes, the use of she and he were done on purpose in the biography, and I feel like I'll probably do that for the roleplay, since writing without using "she" or "he" is [b]very[/b] difficult. XD[/center][/hider]