His rattling stopped as he listened to her, taking what she'd said into consideration. They had both only been seeing one side of this situation, and arguing their own points, but Sans was finally seeing her side as well. And as much as he hated to admit it she was right, he was too proud to say it, but she was. He sighed, finally turning to look at her and noticed that she was freezing, hugging herself and shivering like.... A child. He couldn't help but to see her as that child he'd met when she first fell. Small, powerless, innocent. He'd been wary, but not unkind to her. Suspicious of whether or not she'd be like the others, but hopeful that she wasn't. Gently he shrugged off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders,"i don't wanna lose you either, ya know." He stood there, looking down at the snow, clearly remembering how dust had been scattered across it before, but shook the memory away. That was the past. Now was what mattered. "i don't know if i have the guts to tell them the truth. i know... that they won't hate me, or you, but..... what if i tell them and we fail, and then we have no choice but for you to... i don't think i can do it,"he said softly, closing his sockets. His chest tightened at the thought of another reset, but if it was their only chance, then he was all for it. But..... if it meant losing all of these memories, having to tell Papyrus again just for him to forget... He wasn't sure he could handle it.