[hr][h1][color=#ffe0bd]Rhea Harlow[/color][/h1][hr] [i][u]Old Raygate, Prince Ed-Field[/u][/i] [i]I'm a damn liar.[/i] Rhea scuffed the dirt with her shoe, wandering into the abandoned parts of Old Raygate. She was evasive with Malik, only because he became frantic at her insisting to help. Her mind was set the moment he said 'Founding Family', partly for curiosity's sake. Not that she knew what close bonds were like, but if Malik was crossing the world in search of his friend, he was [i]serious[/i]. How could she be idle? Hallmark, her boss, had access to all kinds of gadgets exactly for data-mining. About 15% of the jobs in the workplace were from their own spies, and that stuff sold for millions. If anyone knew where to start, he would. Rhea pulled out her phone and manually dialed the company headquarters.  As she put the phone to her ear, Rhea's heart froze. [i]What am i thinking?[/I] Immediately, she quit the call. If this was as dangerous as Malik alluded, she couldn't risk Hallmark knowing. [i]If[/i] she was discovered, she needed an unassociated third-party to help cover her ass. Stopping by the train container, Rhea tapped in the code from a hidden flap and snuck through the sliding door. She fetched her watering can, filling it at the sink, and headed back out. Her path went by several abandoned warehouses and through a large field of dead grass. At the end, a small patch of dirt bloomed with plant life. Her little garden. "Hey fella's." She cooed, pouring water over them.  As she inspected each of the beans, tomatoes and flowers, she found the strawberry plant. The one she thought died a week or so ago had, incredulously, grown a baby shoot from the dirt. It hung on to dear life, withering in the sun.   Rhea gave it a confused look, then started to laugh. "Well! A chance to redeem myself." She tore out the old plant, plucked the fresh shoot, and pressed the stem an inch into the dirt. Squatting in front of it, she held her hands as if in prayer. [i]Charlie, you're right. It's not good of me to stand idly by.[/i]  As she slowly pulled her hands apart, transparent, glimmering energy appeared suspended in the space. She offered this to the shoot, and it immediately began to wriggle. The leaves grew in size, hissing as water collected like dew at the tips. From new shoots, buds turned into small flowers. Rhea stood, figuring the plant would be twice it's size by tomorrow. For smaller bodies to utilize all the energy she could augment, it took time. She turned and walked the length of the field back, entering her safe house once more. Leaving the watering can and her bag near the door, she collapsed into a metal chair by the table. "...I'm exhausted." She mumbled, leaning her head back. There was one thing she wanted to start before going to bed. Her laptop worked exclusively with *Tor, meaning all her signals tunneled through other computers before being completed. Perfect for anonymous work. She flipped the lid, pressed the power button, and the moment it was connected, she brought up a search program and typed in the following keywords: [quote][code]Founding Family_[/code][/quote] Rhea set it to crawl through the surface and dark web, which would take a few hours. She sighed, pushing up from the table. She rinsed her face with a damp cloth and laid down on the bed, not bothering to undress. With a clap of her hands, the ceiling lights went out. *[url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor_(anonymity_network)]What is Tor?[/url]