[@Otakuforreal] [color=0072bc]"You've been here for eight, nine years and you're in the same state aren't you?"[/color] Leo asked before leaning back on the chair, looking at the other kids who were gathered around the table, ready to eat. He had been here for seven years, and he as friendly with everyone but the only ones he does consider close friends are just very few. Thomas, for one, and he hadn't seen the guy for a while. Not making a comment about her using her powers, he replied, [color=0072bc]"I do have friends. But can you blame me for wanting to make more?"[/color] A miserable attempt of an excuse. Hopefully she accepts it as a legit reason. If not, oh well. He never did admit to anyone that he doesn't feel comfortable around other people. Given how friendly he was, it wasn't obvious.