[quote=@Kafka Komedy] As for a starting point, I believe Footman suggested everybody was in the same town when some Glanz troops attacked and they all realized they had the same goal. [/quote] I'd be happy to make the starting post if it makes it easier for everyone to get into the game? Though you might wanna do it, being Gm n all? I aint fussed. In any case, if I were to start, it'd go something like this: Izerk has just entered the town, the first since he has stepped foot in the country. Up until now he's only passed small villages and a few minor outposts. As he enters, he takes note that a bunch of villagers are being walked off to the gallows. Women and children among them. As he is looking for individuals who are seeking an end to the war, he'd see this as a great opportunity to see if any good souls exist in the town. Instead of intervening himself (I mean they're not his peoples anyway), he'd stick to the sidelines and wait to see if anyone stepped forwards to prevent the butchery. Those that did, he would assume are people who can't take the war's mindless slaughter anymore, and he'd jump in to help them - and then announce his intentions at the battle's end. But I'm just spit balling here. Mayhap some others got a better way to kick things off?