[@Kafka Komedy]Maybe we all happen to frequent the same tavern at the same time. Maybe after a long journey? Anyway, the tavern just so happens to be the main gathering place for the rebels. And it also just so happens that an important meeting is to take place that day. As the bartender is driving away every non Rebel creature for the meeting to start, an Imperial raid commences and our group is caught in the middle of it. They don't ask whether we're part of the Rebels or not, they straight out attack us, not caring. Many die and in the end our group and a few rebels remain. They introduce themselves as part of the Rebel Movement and after seeing how we fought against the Imperial Troopers ask us to join them. After that the rebels quickly retreat parting ways with our group. We go to another tavern or inn and discuss what happened while also getting to know each other. Edit: Later, in the next village we pass through we see everything burning. Guards fighting with wildings who apparently claim to be Rebels. The "Rebels" burn everything, killing the villagers during the plundering. An Imperial soldier asks us to do our duty as citizens of the Empire and assist him on saving the village, fighting the wildings. After that he thanks us and after seeing how we fight, asks us to join the Empire then we depart. This was just to balance things up. Sorry if I seem intrusive, I mean no offence.