[quote=@Queen Raidne] I said I closed the thread, but I forgot to, you know, actually [i]close[/i] it, so I'll let you apply anyway.[/quote] Oh wow, sorry about that. Well thank you for letting me still apply! [quote=@Queen Raidne] And the closest I've ever gotten to deer was seeing one outside my window 2 feet away. You definitely win the "adorable deer" award. Did you have berries or something to attract them, or were you just that naturally deerlike? [color=gray]or are you secretly a druid #DnDIsReal[/color][/quote] You were definitely more close to deer than I was. I was like 7-10 feet away, and when I was running with them, it was only for a couple of seconds before they bolted into another direction. [quote=@Queen Raidne] Spaaace whaaaalle (yay!). Reminds me of [i]Farscape[/i], a little bit. And of voidhawks from Peter F. Hamilton's [i]Reality Dysfunction[/i]. Anyway, I like it! Tiny, tiny crew complement that you may want to consider buffing, given how other ships have crews of 1000's. Totally up to you, though. [/quote] Whoa!!!! Crazy that you mention that. I randomly went into a bookstore a couple of days ago and bought Hamilton's The Dreaming Void on a whim. I had no prior knowledge of the author or his books and just wanted a Sci-Fi novel to read. Haven't gotten around to reading it yet. I think I'll bump the crew number up to around 100. Thanks!