[hider=Ryan] [color=0072bc][h1][center] Ryan Dreane[/center][/h1] [/color] [center][img]http://static.tumblr.com/3f45e39592af738dc1bf7af3cbad1320/xjv1zxw/gmNmyp5uu/tumblr_static_tumblr_mxr9s336uh1rye1gyo1_500.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h2]Appearance[/h2] A pretty lanky fellow, standing at an even 6'1 his thin stature betrays his wiry musculature that he has attained from years of archery practice. He isn't exactly built for melee, but he can definitely fire a bow. His green eyes often go unnoticed as they are often stuck in a book. [/center] [center][h2]Age: 18[/h2][/center] [center][h2]Gender:Male[/h2][/center] [center][h2]Race[/h2] Human[/center] [center][h2]Magic[/h2] Wind (at least once he learns how it works. It'll probably just be used to make his otherwise mediocre bow skills semi-helpful or as a back up when he inevitably runs out of arrows)[/center] [center][h2]Personality[/h2][/center] [center] Ryan is a neutral person at best, he is usually much too lazy to step in to help a stranger if he doesn't see any benefit. Though, if it's convenient and he doesn't see himself being harmed as a result...well it really depends on his mood. On the other hand, he is easy to befriend as simply sharing one's name with him marks them as an acquaintance. He will usually back up people he knows with hardly any hesitation, though he usually won't put himself between another and danger. He's almost always tired, because of his lethargic nature, many see him as a lazy good for nothing (which is just fine with him). He tends to at least find interest in watching people, at least from a spectator's point of view. Those close to him know that he pays much more attention than he lets on, his muttered quips are a good sign of that. Ryan always seems to at least be content with his situation, so long as he has an idea as to what's going on he can manage to keep a straight face.[/center] [center][h2]Background[/h2][/center] Ryan's entire existence was always pretty uneventful. He went to a private school, attended an Archery club, and read books. Outside of he hardly did anything. Most of the people he considered to be friends were helplessly introverted, so hanging out with them outside talking online was hardly an option. Despite being in an archery club, his aim was far from spectacular. He couldn't exactly hit a bull's eye, but he could at least keep his shots on the general target. Even with his meager skill however, he still enjoyed the activity. Unfortunately, because he wasn't exactly an asset to the club, he was kicked out. Not that it really mattered to him, he could still use the range and the targets so long as the club wasn't practicing. Before he was drawn into the world, he was in a grocery store pushing a cart around. Before he had actually grabbed any groceries, he found himself outside in a totally unfamiliar place. All he currently has is his clothes, his phone, and the grocery basket he was pushing beforehand. [center][h2]Likes[/h2] Books, spicy food, sweet things, animals, sleep. [/center] [center] [h2] Dislikes[/h2] Sour food, overconfident people, needless cruelty, work. [/center] [center][h2]Theme[/h2] Maybe, we'll have to see. [/center] [/hider]