[color=plum][center][h3] - Vivii - [/h3][/center][/color] Even freshly hatched Laila was quite graceful if a bit clumsy with her four wings and long legs. She would be exquisite when she grew up. Absolutely beautiful, of that Vivii was quite sure. What Vivii wasn't so sure about was surviving the sheer rudeness of one of the other girls. She seemed to be the only one here with a poor ass attitude. Having met several copies of the same girl, they were all identical on the inside after all, just the same ugly person with a different face on the outside, Vivii had found that often enough they paid for their own rudeness later on even if she personally was not there to see it. She acted as if she hadn't heard the girl as she continued on, glad for her time she had spent jogging and hiking these past several years to build up an endurance she was proud of. The little birds that were tucked in the shelter of her blonde hair clung tightly to her shirt as she moved, despite having the smoothness of an experienced runner it was still a tough ride for them. At least they weren't bumping around in their cage though. Laila was galloping along behind her, surprisingly well for such a newly hatched being. Just after the girl who was waiting for her karma had moved on a guy who looked suspiciously like her appeared not to far from Vivii, he'd introduced himself as they'd jogged along after the good doctor. She smiled easily, showing her straight white teeth briefly before she reduced her smile to simply curve her plump lips. "[color=plum]Belle de vous rencontrer à la fois,[/color]" It was a moment before Vivii realized that she had spoken in french. A bad habit when she was nervous, this wasn't exactly the type of lad who normally spoke to her after all. Though she was confident and knew that she was pretty it was her quietness and anxiety that kept most people at bay. They disliked having to reassure her, one reason she preferred her finches over actual people. "[color=plum]Ah, pardon, I forget I'm not in ma patrie anymore. It's lovely to meet you both. Viviana, my friends call me Vivii though. Four-wings back there is Laila.[/color]" Vivii spoke just loud enough that he might hear her though she doubted any of the others could hear her words. She was a private person, not wishing to exclude the others but not entirely wanting this large of a group of people to all be speaking to her or around her at once. She was certainly glad she had not been the small asian girl who had tripped over her own feet and dropped her things. The other girl seemed to have dealt just fine with the stumble though even if Vivii did feel bad for her. She'd still just been getting over the shock of hatching a dragon herself though. It wasn't simply something one did every day. "[color=plum]I'm just glad I've kept up my hiking lately, otherwise all this jogging would be difficult.[/color]" [hr] [center][color=lightsteelblue][h3] - Niall - [/h3][/color][/center] Niall moved easily through the halls, his long stride allowing him to keep up somewhat easily. Allaire was just behind him, galloping along happily, tail swishing and nearly knocking into the backs of his legs. He simply hoped the young dragon didn't trip him. Dr. Nidhogg was moving more quickly now and it wasn't long before Niall was nearly at a full jog trying to keep up with the massive beast. It was several good minutes of jogging, during which Niall was eternally grateful for his strict workout schedule that he maintained even when business was booming and his work schedule was packed with meetings and galas. He sighed with relief when they arrived at the surface, pausing briefly to allow the large set of doors to open before heading out again. In his stride Niall removed his jacket carefully, the leather crowding his movements and making him hot. He tucked it under his arm carefully as he kept pace with the others. Thankfully it was only another couple minutes of swift jogging before they stopped in front of what quite honestly appeared to be a castle, the building seemed to be nearly ten stories tall. The doctor turned his massive head to look at them. "[color=peachpuff]This is the apartments where the students of this academy reside. You will be allowed freedom within this building the rest of the day along with the courtyard it contains to get to know your dragons. Tomorrow classes will begin and you will be learning some basic spells and power words in [i]Gaea[/i]. Though the language comes naturally to you since you can speak to your dragons you will still need to learn some more difficult words and phrases to properly execute spells. You will find on the secondary door just inside the postings for who you will be rooming with and where your room will be. I hope you find the apartments to your liking. Your luggage among other things have already been placed inside. If you find that you simply cannot deal with your roommate come find me.[/color]" The dragon then left them in a whirl of wind like a hurricane that Niall had to brace himself against, his thick hair moving about and covering his eyes. Once the wind had died down from the massive dragon's wing flaps Niall headed for the doors, speaking the word he had heard the doctor say when going to the doors before and it creaked open. He grinned, beside himself that he had remembered the word correctly. Who knows what could have happened if the word had been wrong. He could only chuckle as he looked at the piece of paper on the second set of doors. [center]Roommate & Apartment Assignments 304 - Allan & Veronica 312 - Gaeden & Eun-mi 326 - Niall & Jo Anne 342 - Viviana & Storm 350 - Vincent & Nate[/center] He nodded, he was with the dark headed girl who had spoken to him in the dining hall about his manner of dressing. He pushed through the doors into the rather grand entry way. Dragons seemed to be all about opulence and he was certainly grateful. It had been a long time since he had dealt with anything other than the highest quality things, he also hoped that they had a gym around here somewhere, he worked hard to keep his physique the way it was. Some of it was natural in that he was build in a manner that allowed him to get as big as he was but the rest was a complicated algorithm of eating correctly and working hard in the gym and outside it. It was his primary form of stress relief. [i]Thank the lord[/i], Niall thought, chuckling again outwardly as he spotted an elevator. He punched the button and the doors opened promptly though he stood in silence holding the door open for the other to get one with him. It appeared they were all on the third floor.