[@Filthy Mudblood]Firstly, where does her surname come from? Her mother? Herself? I ask because Jzarea is a Mesoamerican-inspired culture (I nitpick, I apologise). Secondly, a vamphiir must be incinerated and reduced to ash, so revise this part. Perhaps a Hunter/Huntress did the burning for her? Sivar Velg is a continent, and it is also on the other side of the world from Jzarea, just in case this wasn't considered. When you're ready, let me know and we can officially welcome Eris to Black Cinders! [@TemplarKnight07]A warm welcome to the Bard, Balthier! Nitpicking though - people from Lorinth are Lorintines, people from Baruvad are Baruvadi and people from Paerium are referred to as Paeric.