Death, natures equaliser, the one thing comes for everyone no matter how rich or poor you are. Though, was the waiting supposed to be so painful? Did it have to make you feel so weak? It had been only just a week since he had been told the grim news, that this illness was going to be the end of him. Yet it seemed like the pain had riddled his body longer than just a week. It had been suggested to go into the city and get treatment, but if he had that type of money he wouldn't live in this poor little village. Not to mention the trip itself could kill him, and he was stubborn, if he was going to die, he would rather spend his last moments with her. The sky outside was just starting to brighten, the sun having not yet risen as Jaspin awoke for the third time at least that night. His breathing sharp and swallow, painful as he struggled to fill his lungs with what air he could. It felt as every breath was a dagger stabbing in his chest, it didn't help that the coughing was making his chest and throat sore to begin with. As his eyes adjusted to the room he looked beside him on the bed to see Elizabeth laying there, a small bit of relief washing over him. He was half afraid after the fight they had last night, she would leave. He had after all told her that she should when she had tried to bring up changing him. [I]"I'd rather die like a normal human Elizabeth! I don't want the burden of living forever, if that is such a issue for you take just leave so you don't have see it!" When he went to walk away he had almost fell and she had helped him, he was angrily though, the fact he was weaker now being thrown in his face had made him so. When she tried to help he pulled his arm away from her and simply went to bed.[/I] Jaspin let out a sigh before winching at the stabbing while her suggestion had pissed him off last night, really the idea of becoming a vampire scared the shit out of him. It had been one of the reasons he had been so upset. Still when she awoke he would have to remember to apologize for the childish way he had reacted. Weakly he used the table beside his side of the bed to help him get from his bed. He was told to get rest, but simply laying in his bed all day and waiting for death was a waste. Leaving the bedroom he walked through the living room into the kitchen to get himself a glass of water. It was rather surprising that just the little bit of money from his family farm had gotten him a nice cottage. There was have been room to start a family here if things were different, and his love wasn't a vampire. As he went to take a drink of his water the coughing started again, his empty hand going to his stomach as the coughing made his whole body radiate in pain, his other hand sitting the glass down and covering his mouth to try not to wake Elizabeth if she was still asleep. The coughing stopped finally as Jaspin looked at the blood in his hand. A groan came from his lips as he rinsed his hand off, taking some water in his mouth before spitting the bloody water out. His head went down to his arm as he simply stood in the kitchen catching his breath.