Just as Sphene stepped around the corner to show herself, a small energy shot of some kind zapped the wall dangerously close to Bloodstone. Startled by the light and sound of the bolt as well as just how many Gems were in the area, she squeaked and ducked instinctively. Titanite stones weren't tough enough for firefights! When she realized that no more shots were coming, she straightened up and assessed the crowd carefully. This was...not was she was expecting. Everything seemed to be in disarray, with more beings showing up and leaving all the time, and many acting unusual or overwrought. As Bloodstone and Aquamarine exchanged words with each other, she tried to keep an eye on the ones that had been with her earlier. It was nearly useless. They all seemed to scatter in different directions, mixing in with the new Gems. Sighing, she quickly gave up and decided to just listen to the respective leaders instead. They both made good points, and true, Bloodstone hadn't exactly been honest about his relationship with Aquamarine earlier, but no one on his side had behaved recklessly like the green gem on her's had. As for the supposedly atrocious acts committed by Homeworld, well, why should an Aquamarine be the judge of means taken by a higher power with only the desire to look out for the greater interests of their own kind? If to conform, maybe even to be subjugated was their lot in existence, why rebel? It would only leave her without a purpose too. She decided then and there that being small and useful was better than feeling big and yet being absolutely pointless. Sphene stepped forward. Now she was just a bit behind where Bloodstone was sitting and could be seen easily. [color=fff200]"I claim allegiance to Commander Bloodstone, for he claims allegiance to my Homeworld."[/color] she stated firmly. [color=fff200]"If what you said is true, though,"[/color] she turned to Aquamarine and inclined her head in respect. [color=fff200]"I thank you for watching over us all the same. I wish we did not have to split ourselves like this, but it appears unavoidable."[/color] The strange tone in her words seemed to increase gem dispersion, she noticed. Was it a symptom of some sort of power?