[@malmshodes] [@Wicked Sweet] Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to my little multiverse story, Marvel Reborn. So, below are the rules for this RP. Also, this is the OOC, so let's talk. If you have an idea, or need to say something out of the story, that is what this is for. Feel free to PM me if you want to keep those things private. 1) While this RP is "18+", stay within the rules of the site. 2) Do not post in the IC until I approve your character. 3) No overpowered characters. 4) As the GM, my word is law. With that being said, I may have another character do something, but it'll be small, for the narrative. I WILL NOT make another P.C. say something, or anything like that. If I do make a P.C. do something, it would be for the story. Character A notices something, Character B hears something, things like that. This does not give other players the right to take over another players character without permission. 5) Please make each post atleast a paragraph long. 3-4 lines is fine, unless you want to post longer. So, with all that stuff out of the way, I'm sure you would like to hear the story, so here it is. Civil War, the event that changed the world as we know it. What started out as a small battle between Cap and Stark, quickly got out of hand. No one could tell who was friend or foe, hero or villain. The war went on for years, and it ended at great cost. Doctor Doom had Spiderman, and most of New York, killed. Cap and Strak put their differences aside, able to hunt down Doom. Once this was done, heroes and villains went back into shadows. Some gave up their capes, going to live a normal life. Hell, some of the villains willingly went to prison, feeling horrible over the things they did during the war. So, why does this matter? Why are you reading this e-mail, letter, or text? Because the world needs its heroes again. While crime maybe on the rise once again, that's not the biggest threat. We have gotten word that something, or someone, is on its way to our planet. We don't know what it is, since the last being using this name has long died. All we know is that it is called "Planet Eater". We need you, hero or villain, to save our world. No one is forcing you to join us, you can go on and live your life as you do. But, of you are ready to stand up for something more than yourself, to show the world what you are really made of, then come to the pentagon and ask to speak with the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D, Col Steve Rogers. So, you shall be taking up the mantel of an old hero or villain. You must use that hero/villains name, and have similar powers/abilities as them, but other than that, you have free range over your character's background. While you take up the mantel of the hero/villain, you don't have to be a copy of them. Below is the character sheet, please fill it out and post it in the C.S. section. Tag me in the post of your character so I know that it is done so I can look over of it and let you know if you are approved or need to change anything. Real Name: Hero/Villain Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: (Real Pictures please, and describe if there is anything special about their appearance not seen in the picture) Costume: (if you want to just post a picture of the hero you are based off and describe anything different about it, that is fine) Abilities: (Powers and such) Weaknesses: Bio: So there it is. I am currently still taking applications to join, so please sign up if you are interested.