Dibs on these charrie ideas!!! 1) Audrey Huntsberg-Blake- Most peeps would know her from Beverly Hills High. She's your typical super mom, president of the PTA and the dance team coach of the suburbia's private school. Her family is her life and if you so much as try to mess with them in any way she will cut you, [i]literally[/i]. 2) Fiorella Aguilar- New suburban resident, bachelorette and a celebrity because of her being a talk show host. I want her to get involved with a married man in a super short affair but then fall for this high school kid. The kid can be legal, though, but since she's a celebrity they have to keep it under wraps. This kid could know the effect he has on her and use it to his advantage, like getting money off her and such.For extra drama the kid can be the son of the man she had the affair with. (I'd need two male charries for this, so anyone interested can PM me or chat with me on Discord.)