'And it is VERY nice to meet a lady as fine as yourself,' Settionne offered to the lady who stated her name after his request for introductions. 'Very nice, m'yes... and you fellows, what abou-' He cut himself off, double-taking as a man... the only fair word was [i]caked[/i]... in blood and mud entered the tavern. A brigand of some sort or another, then, and not afraid to show it. Much unlike Settionne himself, since the topic was being broached, but he certainly did not state this out loud. '...well, that's one way to make an entrance,' he stated with a clipped laugh, attempting to recover his cool, though he imagined most would be very shocked to see such a sight in a setting like this. 'As I was saying, what about you fellows? It'd be nice to know who you are, get to know you all, and so on, and so forth, and I am SURE the Queen will be most pleased to hear you too!' He took a seat, prompted by the bartender's own annoyed statement- not directed toward him or the rest of the small group he was with, but nonetheless threatening to hear- and took a swig from the goblet before him. 'Ohh, now THIS is some high-quality wine!' he exclaimed to nobody in particular, knowing not very much about wine other than what the Kindly Church of Fortune's Devoted offered in some of its communions, even though it was the more common brew for the middle and higher classes. His usual brew was stout. 'You can tell by the, ah...' Exaggerated sniff whilst swirling. '...yes, the fruity aroma, the way it lingers on your palate, subtle intricacies of that sort.' And given that wine was made of grapes, as any Vrettonian with any cultural pride knew, then of course it was fruity, it couldn't be much of anything other than. Sometimes other flavours were... mixed in, he supposed, flavours like chocolate and other sorts of fruit, but wine was a fruit-based product at the end of the day. Though this was quite nice as far as wine went, he'd gladly admit. [@POOHEAD189][@TheWizardLizard][@Luminosity][@Lacks][@VoiD][@The Fated Fallen]