[center][img]https://secure.static.tumblr.com/3492ab9be4390ce15f384dc21effaaeb/lgodslu/QGEnc7yq4/tumblr_static_cvfv3hofy3kkwc4c8c0s8gw4o_640_v2.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][i]Welcome to the Castle of the Gods, Headquarters of the League.[/i][/h3][/center] [b]The High Council of Equity[/b] have called for all members of the kingdoms of Noxus and Demacia, as well as their allies, to participate in a special dinner as a means to cool the flames that burn between the nations and bring them closer to peace through cooperation. The Emissaries ask nothing more from their guests but to eat, drink, socialize and be merry. To enjoy this night as though there were no kingdoms and wars and that everyone was equal and at peace. It may have been asking for much, but they were at least willing to give it a shot! [center][h3]The Main Ball Room[/h3][/center] [center][img]http://www.newyork.com/articles/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/2-the-pierre-grand-ballroom_650_20130304.jpg[/img][/center] Champions will find the doors open for them automatically upon approach. The piano fills the hall with a pleasant melody and the air is warm with the pleasant smells of a grand feast spread out upon the long tables that line the left and right side of the room. They are free to partake in the spread, dance, play music themselves, or even sing. This was meant to be a night of drink, laughter, and joy. A night of peace. [b]Main Method of Arrival to the Ball[/b]: Gateway (Teleporter) [h3]Tagging[/h3] [i]Use this code at the top of each of your posts to let other writers know, who your character is, where your character is, their kingdom, who they are talking directly to, and who they have mentioned. If you wish to add graphics, colors, etc., then do so. Design it however you like.[/i] [code]Name: (The name of your champion) Affiliation: (what kingdom, city, etc. If your champion is from a major kingdom, then write that please.) Location: (Be specific so everyone knows where your character is currently positioned and not just writing your character wherever THEY think they are standing) Tagging: (This will be who your character is directly interacting with/talking to. You can use the @Mention here and tag those writers out of courtesy) Mentioned: (This may be a champion your character is thinking about or indirectly mentioned in your post.[/code]