Arameus woke to a spectrum of colors streaming across the room as the rays of the raising morning sun filtered through the stained glass window above the bed. Swinging his legs over and off the side of the bed, he rose and wiped the sleep from his eyes then pulled his sword from the scabbard, placed it point down on the floor and knelt down with his hands upon the pommel and recited his morning devotional. After a moments prayer, he got back to his feet and went over to the wash basin and filled it from the pitcher of water next to it, then knelt over and splashed the water on his face. The coldness of the water was unexpected and his breath caught a moment, in the back of his head he could hear a distinct Dragonish chuckle. He dressed in simple britches and a loose fitting pullover shirt then headed down to the kitchen where the aroma of breakfast being cooked brought forth a grumbling from his belly. He offered a polite Good Morning to Lord Merrik before helping himself to a few slices of boar bacon, cheese and bread then excused himself and went outside where Alysia was already out and warming herself in the morning sun. [b] 6:30 am (warm-ups) [/b] Arameus and Alysia made their way to the training field in relative silence, for him, training was to be taken seriously, a trait that had been instilled in him by seeing far too many fellow Knights and Soldiers lying dead on the field of battle, many he had known that had trained with halfhearted regard. [i]"They smell disgusting"[/i] He turned and gave Alysia a curious look, the statement pronounced in his brain was not her thought, evident in the disapproving look in her crystal blue orbs and the low grumbling in her throat. He followed the direction of her gaze to see the Pirate and his Dragon following behind them, not wanting to start a controversy, he encouraged Alysia to move on and he and she joined the other Tamers and Dragons as Lord Merrik began to speak on what was expected of them. The end of Lord Merrik's instructions were punctuated by the increasing volume of incestuous cursing coming from a bundle trapped in the jaws if the Dragon named Felynne, who upon reaching the group unceremoniously dumped the bundle on the ground. Once Sparks pulled herself from the bundle, he and the other Tamers took off and started to run their laps only to cringe slightly as Sparks came racing past them with her backside aglow and Felynne on her heels, black smoking curling up from her flared nostrils. [b] 7:00 am (Balance practice ) [/b] [ [i]"Lord Merrik instructed us to use the straps"[/i] ] ,Alysia reminded him as Arameus climbed up and got to his feet on her back and settling into a comfortable stance, [i]"Yes I know what he said, and if we were to take to the air, I would use them, but since we're to remain on the ground, the fear of a bruised backside will help me concentrate on keeping balanced"[/i], he stated. [ [i]"Alright then, its your arse, not mine"[/i], she replied before taking off across the field. [b] 8:00 am (agility practice) Alysia sat with a smug look as Arameus sat in a tenderly fashion as this time Obsidian Nova instructed them on agility, once on their way to the woods, he made arrangements for her to take the lead and call out to him what we she was about to maneuver and he would sit accordingly. As they reached the woods, and since nothing had been said about not to, he had Alysia fly up so they both could get a birds eye view of the woods layout before diving down and joining the chase. Despite a few tree branches to the head, he managed to stay seated, due in part to his training and riding a Warhorse, as Alysia twisted and turned along the paths. [b]10:00 am (flight training) [/b] Feeling more at ease, he was able to relax more as Alysia lazily flew about, using the strong thermal up drafts moreso then her wings, though it still caused his belly to quiver, he forced himself to look ground ward, the view was incredible and through the breaks in the clouds he could almost see the entire expanse of the Kingdom. With a bit of encouragement, he convinced Alysia to do some simple aerial maneuvers in effort for him to get accustomed to the sensations that came with her diving and twisting till finally with the threat of losing his breakfast all over the back of her head did they return to a leisurely flight. [b]1:00 pm (swordmanship) [/b] They were late in returning for lunch, not that he felt hungry or possibly keep anything he ate down after the improptu flying maneuvers. They landed just as the others were pairing off to spar when suddenly Sparks flew into a seeming rage and pummeled Lord Merrik as viciously as the blunted weapon would allow. For his part, Lord Merrik was doing extremely well in parring her attacks, but when words were beginning to be exchanged between the two, it was clear there was something far more personal in Sparks attacks that went far beyond simple sparring, and he considered stepping in between them least things got too personal, but to Lord Merriks credit, he dismissed Sparks ti her Dragon before he could hop down from Alysia. [b]3:00 pm (magic training) [/b] Arameus folded his arms across his chest and listened as next Lord Merrik spoke of magic and mana, of all the aspects of the training this was going to be the hardest for him to learn. Since the time of his becoming a squire, he'd been taught that magic was a thing of witches and sorcerers, something to be used only by those with evil intent and not by honorable Knights such as himself. As the Black Dragon stepped forward and continued on, the whole ideal concerning mana seemed too far fetched for him and he looked at Alysia curiously, knowing his thoughts, she quickly spoke [ [i]"It us truth, you received my mana as well when we bonded... but reading your thoughts and learning your feelings about magic, I hid its use from you, though you would of discovered it eventually, I was hoping for a time when you have a better understanding that magic in and of itself is neither good or evil, but its the intent of the person wielding it that makes it so. Just as the sword at your side can be used for either defending the innocent or slaying them were they stand... in your hands, the use of my mana will be but for good, or else you would not of been chosen by Lord Merrik, and then by me"] [/i]. [b] 4:00 pm (study) [/b] Arameus sat in his room and flipped through the book concerning magic and mana, Alysia had gone off to hunt, with a reminder to keep her eating thoughts to herself as he climbed the ladder to his loft. Once more he started from the beginning of the book still filled with doubt, after only halfway through the first chapter, he pushed the book aside and grabbed a more interesting looking book about the past tamers then settled down on the bed, which was a mistake, for it wasn't look his eyes fluttered closed and he dozed off, whencing in his sleep now and then when he put too much body wieght on his bruised left arse cheek.