[b]Name:[/b] Viral [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://static.zerochan.net/Viral.(Tengen.Toppa.Gurren-Lagann).full.1511512.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] A proud warrior, loyal to the Spiral Emperor. Viral considers humans to be lesser creatures, and works tirelessly to prove his superiority to them. He is also stubborn to a fault, and has a strong sense of honour. While not entirely above a sneak attack, he loves fighting a worthy opponent, and often gives his opponents time to prepare if he believes them to be worth the effort. On the battlefield, Viral commands the respect of his men and refuses to sit on the back lines. [b]Abilities:[/b] - Immortality Upon learning of the origin of the beastmen, Lord Genome bestowed immortality upon Viral. While it is unknown if he truly cannot die, Viral does not age or tire. He can continue acting for an indefinite amount of time, and needs neither sleep nor the solar charge that most beastmen require. This immortality also grants him rapid regeneration, and most wounds close almost instantly. Some believe Lord Genome also transformed him into a Spiral Entity, granting him the ability to generate Spiral Power like most humans of the Gurren Lagann universe, but he is unable to use this in any meaningful way. - Master Combatant Viral is a highly trained warrior, bred and trained for the purpose of eliminating humans from the surface world. He's an incredibly skilled hand-to-hand combatant, with great agility and speed. He's also a master pilot, being trusted with some of the most advanced technology available in the Spiral Empire. While he avoids guns in general, he is also quite skilled with a longbow, and specializes in bladed implements. - Advanced Senses Perhaps due to his animal heritage, Viral possesses a sense of sight and smell that dwarfs the human sensory range. He's able to detect opponents far away and through cover, as well as tracking enemies through smell alone. His nightvision is superhuman, but he's still bothered by the lack of light, especially as he isn't used to being able to act during nighttime. [b]Equipment:[/b] - Cleaver: A favoured weapon in hand-to-hand, this long battle cleaver becomes a lethal weapon in Viral's hands. - Longbow: Of archaic design, this weapon is mainly used for hunting, as Viral prefers face-to-face combat. [b]Origin:[/b] Gurren Lagann [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyRK2GI_T7I]Nikopol[/url] seperate stat sheet for his mecha: [b]Name:[/b] Enki [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/gurennlagann/images/b/b7/Enki.png/revision/latest?cb=20130720141131[/img] [b]Abilities:[/b] - High-powered Machinery The high-tech engines inside of Enki grant it immense speed and strength. It can move with the exact speed and flexibility of it's user, even greater with an experienced pilot. When used by Viral, the Enki is able to react to supersonic projectiles, leap over objects many times it's size, and perform other stunning feats of agility, uninhibited by it's immense weight. It's strength is perhaps even more impressive, as it's capable of lifting over a hundred tons. It's striking strength can easily send other mechs flying, and it tears through mech armour bare-handed with ease. This makes it a stunningly dangerous combatant, and those used to less agile mechs will find themselves swiftly dispatched. - Armament The Enki is equipped with a variety of high-powered weaponry. It possess kunai launchers, missile launchers, cannons, and it wields two long black katanas in melee combat. Defensively, it employs an extendable wrist-based shield capable of withstanding heavy arms fire. The most powerful weapon in it's arsenal is probably the laser mounted in it's helmet. This immensely powerful attack can wipe out most foes in a single strike, and has been known to wipe away areas the size of a small city block with one shot. However, it requires a short time to charge, allowing those facing it's fury some time to escape.