Koriand'r tried to fight off the effect of the drugs she had been administered. As a Tamaranian dosage numbers had to be brought up slowly to avoid the risk of overdose. But these drugs did not seem to put her to sleep, rather paralyse her and keep her a prisoner in her own body. She was still fighting when her finger tips began to burn as if flames were tickling her hands. The feeling began chasing up her arm and it felt like her body was on fire, leaving nothing but complete numbness behind. She did not cry out though, instead she bit her tongue and did not give them the satisfaction of hearing her scream. Once she was immobilized vents opened up and released a gas that knocked her out rather quickly. Putting her to sleep as long as she breathed it in. So her world began to fade and the alien princess was asleep as though she had never woken to begin with.