Aeron had just finished picking up her order from the floral store and was in the process of sending a text to John to ask him if Ylva would be joining them for their yearly visit. Just as she hit the send button, her phone began to buzz angrily in her hand, displaying a 000 number which only proved to confuse her further. [color=00aeef][i]Who the hell would be using an operator to call me?[/i][/color] she wondered as she hit 'accept'. [color=00aeef]"Hello?"[/color] she questioned slowly, waiting for the voice on the other end to begin speaking. "Sup-" a deep voice confidently but almost annoyed comes from the other end, "...I got an associate of yours reaching out hard to a shoorrrt list" they explained, accompanied with the sound of shuffling papers. "Names asiiide, I'd say it's more worth yo time t'just fuhget about it and have yourself a nice daay, ma'am" the smooth voice continues with a slight chuckle before sighing, "But, see, I'm not paid to give names or advice, so ya got yourself a dangerously pretty piece of danger that got themselves into a [i]whoole[/i] heap-a trouble a block west off Third and Afton." After a pause, they cleared their throat. "Check your [i]faith[/i], ma'am...its unholy to deeal with angels" he cryptically warned though remained on the line, customary in calling the previous caller back with a reply. The operator was a bit unconventional as he served as more of a proxy than any official operator. [color=00aeef]"Clearly you aren't fully aware of who you are calling,"[/color] she stated calmly before hanging up the phone and shooting one last text to John to let him know a small emergency came up and that she'd be there as soon as possible. Despite the rather annoying news she got from the equally infuriating operator, she slid into the driver side of the SUV she had taken and sped off to the location that she had been told about. Normally it was customary to have someone else drive her, considering she had a bad habit of running other vehicles off the road with her rather aggressive tactics, but this was the one time a year she was usually rather calm... usually.