Heart quickening a little as the captain of the guard swiveled around to face her, Celinny almost released a bubble of laughter that threatened to burst forth from her throat. She hadn't expected him to be so... grumpy. Not letting this dampen her feeling of growing success, she instead lifted both of her eyebrows and lilted,"Not one for beating around the bush, are we." Giving her head a small shake as if that didn't matter, the young woman lifted her chin from her hand and instead crossed her arms in front of her. "I suppose that comes with the title..." She murmured, giving her head another small shake and fighting off the temptation to roll her eyes. Partially lifting one hand, she began to tick off his questions on each finger. "my name is Celinny, The pleasure is mine I'm sure. The only one out here is myself, unless you count the cat that was here a moment before. I'm surprised you didn't hear him yowling." She exaggerated, teasing her partner from a distance. Taking a deep breath, she hadn't been trying to say everything in one shot, she continued on with, "I was given your name personally by my boss, big fan of yours. as for the reason why I'm here, I thought that would have been obvious, but I don't mind filling you in..." Quite suddenly, Celinny rolled away from the window, completely vanishing from site. The reason behind this action was not immediately obvious until the sound of tromping boots sounded in the hallway outside the door, signaling the passing of a patrol. But as soon as the sound began to grow distant, the thief was back in the window, continuing on as if nothing had happened by lifting another finger. "I was asked to come and help perform a jailbreak." She announced grandiosely, grinning despite the fact that it couldn't be seen behind her mask.