[@Kidd] [color=ec008c]"Yeah, maybe in the same way a train crash is fun to watch. It might be entertaining for a brief moment but then you realize that people are probably dead. And that part is usually not as entertaining."[/color] Jacob shakes his head slightly and spares the girl up on the roof one more quick look before he turns back to the girl beside him. He runs a hand quickly along the side of his head against the short cut hair there. His lip quirks slightly up into a light smirk as he notices the girls goofy smile, something that seems to contrast nicely against the way she dresses. [color=ec008c]I don't think there is really much we can do though. Unless you want to go up there and chase her around. Or ya'know go and grab one of the teachers to yell at her. Either way probably not the best move.[/color] His smirk turns into a winning smile, or at least what most people would consider a winning smile. His brilliant blue eyes locking onto Riddleys own, his hand rubbing against the light stubble along his jaw line. He really does fiddle alot when he is trying to put on his air of suave confidence. [color=ec008c]"Sorry i didn't catch your name? Like i said my name is Jacob, my friends call me Red."[/color]