[@seriousarmour][@Kidd] Jennifer sharply nudged Lucidian in the side as another person entered the parking lot in car from what she calls a 'classic'. Lucidian never had interest in cars - maybe because he had his own 'transportation system' - but it was just the person stepping out that got his attention. [color=00a651]"I smell douchbag,"[/color] he said while they stared at the boy brush his hand against the car then enter the school. They must be connected at the hip to just automatically know when they'll hate somebody just by their looks. As he entered he looked around, catching his eye on them for a few moments before going to the girl on the roof and starting a conversation. [color=2e3192]"Uh oh, you lost one of your chances to bang somebody,"[/color] Jen sarcastically told him, rolling her eyes. She already knew that if he ever questioned how to get to somebody, he was already have a whole set up building in his mind. Just by that statement he smacked the back of her head with his palm. Her eyes gave off a small red glow as she slappeded him back. Soon it formed into punches at each other, Lucidian dodging one of Jen's throws and grabbing her arm to flip her across the ground. [color=00a651]"Have you forgotten that I was the one that taught you how to fight? Suck it, bitch!"[/color] Lucidian yelled at her, flexing his muscles in victory then made a girly scream as he was pulled onto his back, getting winded for a moment. Jennifer sat up with crossed legs, rubbing her temples. She pulled her hand away, blood on her fingertips from a cut slightly opening on her forehead. [color=2e3192]"You're such a dick,"[/color] she growled then looked around with squinted eyes. Any of the random students would be glaring at them and whispering. She quickly got up, pressing the side of her hand beneath the cut so the blood didn't drip down her face. [color=00a651]"I didn't do it!"[/color] Lucas wheezed while still trying to catch his breath. He may have a strong vessel and fighting skills, but falling on the ground felt more like flying and crashing into a building for him. Of course the teachers weren't paying attention or were just 'too busy' to help them in any way. The boy just lazily flopped his arms around like a fish out of water while making jokes to the girl like [color=00a651]"Life alert, help me, I've fallen and I can't get up!"[/color] or [color=00a651]"Help your ultra great grandpa over here!"[/color]