[quote=@ADamnFiddle] Yeah, i mean she wont be the best teacher in terms of magic, but she can at least do the rudimentaries. Better to learn swordsmanship but it isn't as if she would really part ways with either knowledge to a total stranger. But she isn't so mean to assist a stranger who seems to be in dismay. Might complain a bit, but deep down she enjoys helping others, even if she wouldn't admit it. Blessings are pretty much class skills in a table top game, except more of a lottery draw based on how much the "world" loves you rather than chosen class. So pretty much RNG. It is rare for a character like my own to get that many blessings, but I figured if we are the "protags" of a story, I could at least give her 2 mediocre ones and 2 okay ones without really crossing the line. Join the Iron Bell Knights :^) Well Maria would not give the knowledge to just anyone in regards to weapon martial training, but like I said earlier she isn't exactly heartless. More so doesn't really understand how to express her feelings, which is how she got a certain title. It would depend on the circumstance honestly. I would presume for the people who have been in the world already it would be acceptable for us to just do whatever then? [@6slyboy6] Oh yeah, I feel that your character and Maria would make great foils to one another, seeing as they have certain aspects which call for mutual dislike of one another, but at the same time I can see a respect grow between them over interactions. [sorry for the long post lol. Missed most of the conversation] [/quote] Yea meet other characters and stuff. Will think up some stuff that youre able to do at first