The woman growled aloud in anger and approached Ren aggressively on all fours, but paused and turned her head towards the back side of the circular room, where a small staircase lead upwards, hugging the wall. A pair of men appeared, walking down the stairs, one wearing a pair of dark grey, loose fitted pants that were barely visible with each step past the covering of his reddish trench coat. The other was familiar, wearing the armored leggings that Nexus had been wearing earlier in the day. It was in fact Nexus, as it became clear as his short blueish hair came into view. The man with him however, was not familiar. He wore a long red trench-coat, a mask just like his allies, and had rough, orange hair that flourished out and hung at each side of his jacket's collar. Nexus reached the bottom of the stairs first and motioned towards Ren with one hand. "Shadra, please," Nexus pleaded, looking at the small, black-draped woman sternly. She stood up on two feet and cleared her throat before backing away and allowing the two men a clear path to Ren. "Is this all?" The new man asked, approaching Ren slowly. His eyes were a deep red, from the pupil to the sclera, and examined Ren without delay. "I told you, Nexus. I'd abandoned this foolish venture shortly after Shadra's creation. Why are you wasting my time with this?" It was hard to notice, but the red-headed man was holding a blue book in his left hand, keeping it hidden behind his figure. He turned to Nexus and waited for a response. "Are you going to explain yourself?" "He's worth studying-" "He's worth [i]nothing.[/i] Shadra is a testament to how worthless this child is, is she not? Do you think that I should validate the existence of another void creation, [i]just because[/i] you've chosen to express any modicum of curiosity? Preposterous, and once again, [i]a waste of my time.[/i]" The man glanced at Ren again before turning around and ascending the stairs. "Do what you will with him, I'm going to meet with Ra'Ja'Ka regarding the barrier. Please conclude this drivel as soon as you can, and return to your task, if you would be so kind." As the man left, Nexus looked at Ren, and then to the floor.