The revelation of her potential was stunning for the both them. Botan had never really put forth a substantial amount of effort in regards to experimenting with her spiritual energy and how she could possibly channel it in various means. The notion just never seemed that important to her. She had been around gardens before but she had never really taken the chance to slow down and smell the roses, or in this case, revive the roses. Either way, the woman was tickled to have unlocked a new power of hers and she was hopeful that Kurama would be able to help her hone it into something practical, not just pretty. Their time in the greenhouse was plentiful and well spent. The plants got the attention they so deeply yearned for and Kurama and Botan got a reprieve from the hassle of homework and chores. Botan was thrilled to have found a new use for herself. Her hands could heal, could give life back to that which had once been broken beyond repair. It filled the grim reaper with both astonishment but also pride. While her own talents remained untapped at the present moment, it proved that there were still plenty of cute tricks up her sleeves. Of course, she turned to Kurama in order to get a proper evaluation but before they could probe deeper into her unearthed ability, they needed to train her up a bit. Botan knew she'd need to train up if she was going to be able to properly handle herself and her spirit energy. For the next few days, Botan and Kurama spent time jogging around the neighborhood, lifting weights and conditioning her body for the coming training. Kurama was starting her off slow and easing her into more gradual challenges. Botan was eternally grateful for his extra attention. Not only was he helping her with her homework but he was also making sure she was getting in better shape. Botan knew she had to do something super special for him. She was already trying to figure out a gift or some kind of food. After all, she had practically fallen from the sky, into his life and she still felt like a bit of a burden. As the school bell sounded, the blue haired reaper rose from her seat and pushed in her chair as the class began to clean up after themselves. Botan was happy to have the week done and over with, as the weekend couldn't have come at a better time. She was feeling the physical and mental strain of Kurama's assistance and was hoping for a break from everything going on around her. After the classroom had been swept, dusted and wiped down, desks and chairs stacked, the teens filtered out into the hallway to go to clubs or head home for the weekend. Botan lingered by the doorway and tugged at her pleated skirt as she observed Kurama cleaning up the chalkboard with a fellow brown haired boy. [color=f6989d][b]"Ready? Let's go."[/b][/color] Last night the pair had agreed it was about time to pay Master Genkai and Yukina a visit. Though Yusuke still had middle school to finish up, she had a feeling they might run into him at the dojo as well. The trek to Genkai's home was a two hour train ride and about a thousand steps leading up to a mountain where her manor sat. Botan decided to cheat so while Kurama decided upon walking, she fly beside him on her oar, her feet feeling rather happy to be spared the stony steps. Though they hadn't called ahead, Botan had no doubt the elderly psychic could sense their arrival well before they even step foot on her property. Eventually the pair arrived at the top and headed over to the large door and found it already open, revealing Genkai and Yukina at a low resting table with four cups of steaming hot tea set out. [color=f6989d][b]"It looks like she's been expecting us."[/b][/color] She leaned over to Kurama to say. Botan hopped off her oar and jogged up the stairs and into Genkai's sitting room. She gave the woman a quick but deep bow before taking a seat upon the small cushion which rested upon the tatami mat. [color=f6989d][b]"I guess it's impossible to surprise you."[/b][/color] Botan smiled to Genkai and then looked to the quiet girl and gave her a nod in greeting. Botan hadn't spent much time with Yukina so she was still figuring out how to best interact with the young maiden. Still, she had no doubt that Yukina was nice, after all, she had caught the eye of young Kuwabara, who was so gallant and sweet. [color=f6989d][b]"Where's Yusuke? I thought he'd be here..."[/b][/color] [b][color=fff79a]"The dimwit it off doing sprints through my marsh but he'll be back shortly."[/color][/b] Genkai said, eyeing the redhead and then the grim reaper. She could tell something was different but it was difficult for her to guess what it was. Rather than ask outright, Genkai knew that in due time, they would show or tell her why they had come to her. Botan had plucked a dead rose during lunch at school and was keeping it on her to try and toy with her ability. As Yusuke wandered in, using a fluffy white towel to wipe his face, Botan decided now was as good a time as ever. [color=fff79a][b]"Come and watch."[/b][/color] She instructed her pupil as Botan stared at the vacant flower. Botan let out a deep breath and focused on the rose in hand and soon it blossomed into a vibrant shimmering blue rose. All three of the people on the other side of the polished dark wooden rectangular table let out various degrees of awe. Botan caught Kurama's reaction in the corner of her eye. Seeing him proud made her blush a little, made the hard work of the past few days well worth the stress. [color=f6989d][b]"I haven't come here for training Master Genkai, merely your advice on the matter."[/b][/color] Bowing her head, she set the rose in the middle of the table and finally tended to her cup of green tea. Genkai looked to Kurama, knowing he would be the one to guide Botan. [color=fff79a][b]"You will take care of her."[/b][/color] Genkai said, more than a question, more like a statement. Genkai was fond of the grim reaper and while she knew Kurama was physically capable, she hoped he understood the responsibility of being someone's teacher. Setting her cup down, Genkai looked to Yusuke and Yukina as tey were her current charges. While Kurama was indeed powerful, she needed him to know that things would change now and that he and Botan needed to rely on one another.