[@Kidd] [@RainbowFactory] [color=ec008c]"Riddley huh?[/color] Jacob gives Riddley another obvious once over, the smile on his face never once wavering. [color=ec008c]"It suits you. And it is very much my pleasure to meet you."[/color] He turns his head quickly as he hears the sound of a scuffle quickly followed up by someone yelling. He shakes his head the humor that was in his eyes dying out, the blue eyes now looking more like a cold winters storm than a welcoming pool. His smile fades from his face, his lips setting into a grim line. [color=ec008c]"Damnit. It really was good to meet you, but if you could excuse me for a moment.[/color] He turns away from Riddley and moves quickly over to where the scuffle has just taken place. His hands half clenched by his side, just in case he has to jump in. He really is not the kind to stand by, especially when it looks like a fight between a man and a woman. He looks more than a little intimidating to a lot of the people gathered in the courtyard, after all he is bigger than a lot of them and wears combat boots and a leather jacket. [color=ec008c]"What the hell is going on?"[/color] His voice is deep and rumbling with hints of anger behind it. He looks from the man to the woman a couple of times before he notices the blood on the girls face and hand. He looks concerned for a moment before looking towards the man on the ground clearly wanting to stomp on him a couple of times before deciding that now is really not the time. No need to start things up again. He focuses his attention back on Jennifer before speaking again. [color=ec008c]"I have a first aid kit in my car if you don't want to go and bother the school nurse? It is nothing major will only take me a couple of seconds to patch you up."[/color]