[center][b]Valden[/b][/center] [center][img]http://img00.deviantart.net/2f19/i/2015/154/6/5/vanimore_by_las_t-d8ho6w9.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Appearance:[/b] Valden stands tall at 6"4, with long raven dark hair and piercing blue-purplish eyes that are hard to keep secrets from. His posture gives his kingly nature away, and he can be seen wearing a myriad of different regalia depending on the occasion. In his own chambers though he can be seen opting for simplisticly comfortable clothing. [b]Personality:[/b] The mysterious creature known as Valden is regarded by his subjects to be quite calm-headed and occasionally ruthless. He is a creature of the Dark World, after all, and because of that does not shy away from doing what must be done as and when it is necessary. He was never considered to be an emotionally motivated man, but always treated any Humans who entered his lands - particularly those he invited - with a politeness and the due respect they deserved. He has been known to be somewhat charming.. in the past. Valden is very good at playing host... and also at getting what he wants, by whatever means is necessary. Perhaps because of his age he could be described as a patient person, but some of the neighboring rulers know how to press his buttons to get a rise out of him. His noble airs give away his position and heritage wherever he goes. Even if he were to dress in rags, there is something in the way he walks and commanding way he talks that often gives him away. [center]~will be fixed up later~[/center]