[center][color=f7941d][H1]Cleo D'Nile.[/H1][/color] [img]http://i483.photobucket.com/albums/rr198/damo021/Gifs/tumblr_inline_mq5m95MvSA1qz4rgp.gif[/img] Location: Red Lake Music School. Interacting with: Syleste Astrea Nioré [@Vicier] and Kim Hansson [@Zhaliora].[/center] [hr] [hr] How did she do that?! despite all her efforts of going all stealth ninja on her friend Syl, the girl was even playing a beautiful piece of music to at the time and just when she was getting close she just pops out a soft 'hello Cleo' which had the stopped dead in her track and practically stand there like a dumb founded melon. Literally all Cleo wanted to do was blast into a hyperactive reply thinking of all these things she wanted to say but did not register out of her mouth. [i]'How do you do that?, it's like you got superpowers or something! come one tell me whats your secret?.[/i] These were some of things she had shouting in her head and wanted to say but settled with a little sly pout, yep somehow Syl had just done the impossible or at least didn't think it was possible and totally caught Cleo of guard. Seeing her lips form into a little smile made Cleo smile also, It always made Cleo happy seeing Syl happy despite all the random crap or epic fails she commits herself to in an attempt to complete her mission of catching her friend of guard, Maybe it as mean of Cleo to do such a thing considering she is blind, But she cared for her friend so much and loved how she was always a strong, innocent and passionate young woman given that fact. Soon enough the silence was broken when Syl went back to playing the piano, Cleo was more than content enough to listen more and came and sat down next to her pink haired friend and continue listening with a smile, she did manage however to answer her question from earlier. [color=f7941d]"Riley didn't send me over... I kinda did a naughty at the cafe the twins work at."[/color] she frowned a little. [color=f7941d]"I think they will be very angry at me and I don't think the popsicles will save me out of this one."[/color] she added softly as the music went on. Cleo was lost listening to Syl music that she had no idea that another individual had come into the room with them until they spoke up, this made her jump a little as she turned around to se who the newcomer was. In fact Cleo couldn't really put a name to the face, She had seen the woman a few times in town and ran shop? Yes a shop, Oh yes! the gun shop lady, Cleo had heard about her but never really spoken to, she had some black tints weaved into her blonde hair which were actually pretty awesome. The teen simply sat there as the two continued to talk to one another, it was clear they have some history thanks to the music, appearantly Syl was taught by the womans grandfather, [i]'small world huh?'[/i] She thought well it is a small town after all. Kim! that was it! thanks to Syl saying it of course. It was unusual not to really know some one in town but hey beggers can't be choosers in who you know but still it be rude to interrupt in others conversation not that it would normally stop Cleo, Just ask Alyssa about the hyperactive Cleo, somehow she always invaded that girls space just by being herself. Anyway satisfied that the two knew each other and Syl would be okay, Cleo decided it would be time to leave before some one from the cafe really does find her or the twins are aware of what she did and so she turned to Syl. [color=f7941d]"I.. Feel like I am interupting you two catching up and Of course I don't want to get caught by the twins as I would be in sooo much trouble, I best go for a bit, if you like I can come back and walk you home or maybe we can go out enjoy the fresh air or grab a bite to eat, provided they dont kill me"[/color] Cleo said as she carefully moved in to give Syl a gentle hug for a moment before letting go and standing up letting her friend have a chance to think about it and answer. before she would leave however she appraoched kim. [color=f7941d]"Kim right?.. Cleo."[/color] She said offering a hand and a energetic smile.