[b]NAME:[/b] Uurohgak Krul [b]RACE:[/b] Blackborn [b]APPEARANCE:[/b] Krul is thin for a Blackborn tribesman, his large wide skeletal frame awaiting the nourishment he requires. His growth impeded by the broken jaw he currently carries. His scarred face is hidden beneath a skull mask, both protecting and hiding his shameful injuries. Two large canine fangs piece the lobes of his ears. His shoulders and chest are built up by a thick dark fur poncho, lined by clay plates. Protruding bone, tusks and antlers woven together make for a large sharp intimidating shoulder pad reaching over his upper arm and onto his chest, sitting on top of the furs. Leather straps spiral around and down his arms. A makeshift claw is tightly bound to his left wrist and hangs ready for easy access. That same hand is missing it's pinky finger and half of the one next to it. His right forearm is circled by bone shards over tight bound thin fur. Sinewy thick ropes bind a circular metal plate to his stomach, it has been fashioned by markings of his tribe. Around his waist hang his two weapons amongst the thick lavish furs of a rich skirt like long loin cloth. Beneath that simple loose pants reach down to tight dirty leather boots. [b]Clan:[/b] Shurum Kha-raul [b]Wolf companion:[/b] Aze-Resh Gruul ([i]Reshy[/i]) [b]Description:[/b] Reshy is a large old wolf, the once midnight black fur now fading with streaks of silver and grey having lost all its majestic shine. His senses are not as sharp as they once were and his movement has slowed. Reshy did not originally belong to Krul, but when his partner died trying to save Krul's wolf pup from a mutated beast, Reshy saved Krul, the only survivor, and took the young tribesman back to camp where he is now frowned upon for fleeing. [b]Weapons:[/b] [list][*]Hand axe - [i]offhand[/i] [*]Short sword - [i]main-hand[/i] [*]Short spears - [i]med range[/i] [*]Khopesh - [i]two handed[/i] [*]Claws - [i]honourand ceremonial[/i] [hider=images][center] [img] http://www.algadon.com/images/items/barbarian_dual_blade_axe.png [/img][img] http://www.conceptart.org/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=1897037&d=1390572792 [/img][img] http://www.tienda-medieval.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Imagen-1797.png [/img][img] https://haroldshomebrewworld.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/parable-khopesh1.jpg [/img][img] http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/d/d7/CatsClaws.png/revision/latest?cb=20130519102538 [/img][/center][/hider] [hider=finger dance game that cost his fingers] The finger dance is a game played by the blackborn of the Ghath-Rhul tribe. The finger dance is played by at least two people and consists of throwing a hand axe at each other. One must catch the axe or leap over it without missing a step.[/hider]