[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/31/f4/56/31f456e3bb0a05457f8d42ffa4f5a218.jpg[/img] Name: Dar'Adhba Age: 19 Class Type (Warrior, Archer, Assassin, Mage): Thief/Assassin Gear (weapons, armour, etc): Thieves Guild Armor(he actually stole it, ironically enough), twin Stahlrim Daggers, a set of Glass Daggers he keeps as backup in case his Stahlrim ones are broken or lost somehow, and a shiv(don't question why. He just has one. XD). He also keeps a longbow and arrows, though he prefers to use stealthy tactics over using his bow. Bio?: Dar'Adhba came to Skyrim when he was fourteen, originally having lived in his native country of Elsweyr. He never mentioned why he came alone though, when he most likely lived with other Khajiit. When asked more about his past "This one finds your questions annoying. Go away." More Info?: