[hider=Skylar][img]http://www.lowbird.com/data/images/2009/10/moar3.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Appearance:[/b] Though she has grown into a tall, slender beauty Skylar never has quite been comfortable in her own skin, caught in the ungainly, gangly feeling of those awkward years that had caused the other girls to point and whisper behind their perfectly manicured fingers. No matter the amount of time spent in the sun her skin refuses to bear even the lightest hint of a tan and remains as pale as moonlight, a shade that often causes concerned looks and motherly questions of 'Are you quite alright dear? You look rather pale." Unruly auburn waves spill about her shoulders, only adding contrast to the paleness of her skin and making grey-green eyes appear washed out and vaguely silvery. [b]Personality:[/b] No one can claim to know her as intimately as a family or loved one would, but even those who hardly know her at all would say she is a walking contradiction: On one hand she can be calm and even calculating, the type of solid personality that one thinks would hold no surprises. But the least expected moments, be it a word or an expression, reveal a glimmer of reckless abandon that contradicts and puts into question everything known about Skylar. She does not suffer from being hesitant about speaking her mind, effectively lending proof to the stereotype of redheads being hotheaded. Nor does she care what others think of her, irritatingly apparent to some by her eclectic taste in friends and refusal to conform to their ideas of who is acceptable company. [b]Occupation: [/b] Born with a restlessness that eats away at her Skylar has never managed to remain at a single job for more than two years, more often than not barely lasting a few months. Due to this quirk of habit she has done everything from waiting tables, scraping out horse barns, being a personal assistant to a very uptight designer, and one very brief season on the dance competition circuit. Currently she finds herself in a desperate enough situation to have picked up a job as a bartender in a less than stellar bar.