[color=2e3192][center][h1] Kyle Grayson [/h1][/center][/color] [hider=appearance] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/9ca7f89b46eb53b5a3397d571c1471d7/tumblr_nhtggdLelZ1td8cquo1_r1_500.png[/img] [/hider] Kyle stopped bouncing on his bed for a moment, then continued. He looked at the stunning newcomer with trepidation, curiosity, and excitement. His first meeting with someone here and he had to be cool about it. And stop bouncing on his bed like a five year old. Kyle bounced one more time, bouncing off the bed with a slight spin and landed on his feet. Kyle gave the girl a smile, took one step forward.......then tripped and fell flat on his face. Kyle clutched his face in pain then realized what happened. He got up quickly embarrassed. Kyle blushed furiously and tried to speak in a calm voice. [color=2e3192]"W-we-well yea no I mean,"[/color]Kyle took a moment to calm himself then flashed a smile[color=2e3192],"Well first I had to fight off a wave of Spanish pirates. Then once I collected the reward money I bought a luxury cruise ship. I invited the president of every country in the world to the boat party I held, then held every one of them for ransom. Then when I got away safely, I gave all my money to the villians in need charity, broke into a gym, stole all the equipment, and did the same for a furniture store. Then I got here and lost everything I stole, but fortunately my dad is Dick Grayson, so with my familys connection to the principal, I'm not surprised the principal left a little welcoming present."[/color] Kyle finished his little story with a bow and a chuckle. [color=2e3192]"Thank you ill be here all week ma'am."[/color] [@caits]