Althalus is the joker. Always with a quip, a sarcastic reply, or snarky comment. His witticisms and pranks make him as many friends as they do enemies, and the way his peers view him varies wildly on a case by case basis. He often uses his quips to defend others and provoke their attackers, leading to confrontations. Physically fit, he's into free running and parkour and often uses it as his main, and sometimes unnecessary, mode of travel. Grade wise, he's C average or below. His family is poor so it's well known he works, goes to school, and does...less than legal things on the side to help keep them afloat. As such, he has connections to the criminal parts of town, such as they are, and uses them to peddle drugs through the school. Nothing harder than weed, however. He's no stranger to fights (illegal fighting rings bring in cash) but he's not a toe to toe fighter and will cheat at every available opportunity. For some reason, he's in love with Mar and hangs out (as he abruptly announces without her prior knowledge of) with her every available opportunity. Aramir is the shy girl. She's quiet, easily flustered, awkward and likes to hide behind her long hair (that she clearly keeps well groomed). She wants to make friends, she really does! She's just bad at it. Tries not to oogle other girls, her family upbringing teaching her it's wrong, but catches herself doing it all the time. Avoids parties after a couple incidents where she got a little tooooo buzzed (can't hold her liquour at all) and ended up in a couple regrettable/immensely enjoyable situations with another woman that would make her family disown her should they find out. Average student, nothing academical of note. She's one of the shining stars of the school's archery team. With a bow and a target shyness is replaced by confidence and fluster is replaced with icy calm. Doesn't like confrontation and avoids it by any means necessary, even at the expense of letting people walk all over her or insult her at their leisure. Uicle is the teacher that has been at the school for as long as anyone can remember, and wields considerable influence with the School Board. The only reason he's not the principal or superintendent is that he hates administrative work. The oldest teacher in the school he's taught student's parents and some of their parents before them. He's seen it all and everyone knows better than to try cheating in his classroom or breaking his established rules, as he can get imaginative with punishments (seeing as hitting fingers with rulers or pelting people with erasers is frowned upon.). Acidic Sarcasm and Dark humor are trade marks of his teaching style. All that being said, everyone knows they can come to him with anything and he will do his absolute best to help. The school's unofficial counselor, students go to him when they don't want to go to the School Counselor themselves (Be it from fear of retribution, embarrassment, or simply not wanting to talk to someone they don't know particularly well.)