[center][color=a187be][b][i]Annabeth Gulch[/i][/b][/color][/center] [color=a187be]"Thank you. It's nice to see you too Baulder."[/color] Annabeth gave the strange man an awkward smile. Baulder has been... Certainly a character recently. At first she simply thought of him as a very strange man who stumbled into Underhaven and had the misfortune of being in a weaken state while a vampire wanted to feed. But as he stayed around the college, he started to show off his more... Ravenous tendencies? Just about all the meat he ate was raw and that he hunted it himself. Both those things weren't too unusual in the college, at least to Annabeth's knowledge, but the way and how often he ate them made Annabeth feel somewhat uncomfortable. More so since he always tries to get some of Underhaven's special drinks (I.e. the ones with blood meant for vampires) despite the fact he wasn't a vampire. Maybe it wasn't fair for her to be so afraid of him being a cannibal considering she works somewhere where most of the patrons are man-eaters. Annabeth was just more put off at how… Unrefined he was. Turning her attention away from Baulder for a moment Annabeth looked to Helena. While some Psychomancy students vowed to never abuse their magics, Annabeth wasn't one of them. Sure she doesn't prank others or go out of her way to discover their deepest, darkest secrets and use ti against them, but she doesn't mind to read one's mind when she can, especially if they're unprotected. So Annabeth looked into Helena's thoughts, trying to figure out if there was something wrong with her. While before Annabeth's telepathy could only allow her to look at the surface of people's thoughts, now she was able to prod into their memories a bit more. Granted, she wasn't as good as Ssarak who could see out long lost memories, but for Annabeth she could at least figure out what Helena remembers from last night. And when Annabeth saw it she just smirked. [color=a187be]"A bit dizzy? I know just the trick."[/color] While taking classes Annabeth has mostly be working on her illusions, trying to perfect the manipulation of not just the basic sense, but all combinations of them. She just the usual five, touch, sight, smell, taste, and hearing, were all that was needed to trick. But each one had a different way of doing their thing, and each one could combine with others to create a new sense that Annabeth never truly considered. And it was by using illusions to affect these senses that Annabeth learned a trick that helped her with Underhaven. Pointing a finger at Helena to help focus onto her, Annabeth helped ease Helena's hangover. She couldn't cure her of the pain like a vitamancer could, but she could... Numb it. Make it so Helena didn't feel it. So long as Helena was around Annabeth the pain wouldn't bother her and eventually it'd be flush out of her system. It was easy enough for Annabeth to do this that it didn't take much of her mage blood, since it's so minor. Though it would start to be more taxing if Helena went too far, so once she was out of range the pain might come back. [color=a187be]"That should help you with the pain. Just stay near me and wait it out. I'm sure it'd be gone in about an hour or so."[/color] [center][color=crimson][b][i]Lucilia Riovas[/i][/b][/color][/center] There was just no time for Lucilia anymore. More and more work was piling up that she was starting to have to delegate some of the more tedious tasks onto others. She stopped trying to get Khan to take his medicine or even delivering to Ovak, not because she didn't care anymore, but because there was so much happening now. She had her vampires go, or one of the students if she finds them. Lucilia still trained Keri, but now only whenever Keri came to Lucilia, and only when it was actually time for her training. If Keri didn't want to come, then Lucilia couldn't wait for her. Djarkel Barons were always a problem, but now Lucilia has Eania on her case as well. The mage attack from before was still fresh in the minds of their lords and they want answers. Answers that now Lucilia needs to figure out. She had the report from Grey, and she uses it to the best of her ability, but she couldn't deny that there were still too many missing pieces to put her mind at ease. Yarosmere was also starting to become a growing concern with it's sudden and new leadership, and the lack of all contact to those within. Well, not all the contacts. But what she has heard hasn't been very good. The few agents and allies she has in Yarosmere has been unable to move around as much, stating that it wasn't safe for them to be doing what they usually did before. Security has become tighter, and a few have already been compromised. And there was still the matter of the college's own business. She has already sent contractors down into the catacombs to repair the damaged wall and reinforce it against invaders from the Ravine. The Mercenaries have so far been quiet, and Lucilia has controlled their restlessness with good pay and regular work. Aerta still needed to be cleared from it's current hostile inhabitants, and there has been more reports of demonic corruption from the south. She has good men fighting for the Twilight College, but she didn't have the full picture. She wasn't in control of this situation. And that [i]pissed[/i] Lucilia off. As she walked through the halls Lucilia stopped and looked up. And lo and behold, it was Keri and Collete. [color=crimson]"Good morning you two. Are you getting breakfast or trying to get an early start on those missions?"[/color] [center][b][i]Tyrael Marchosias[/i][/b][/center] After getting patched up by Sam, Tyrael took Lyn out to the Dinning Hall. While they had a light breakfast before sparring, now it was time they treat themselves to a proper meal, instead of just some bread and sliced meats. And one thing that Tyrael does when he walks with his little Lyn is sing. Perhaps not well, and his songs were simple, but he thinks Lyn enjoys them. Or at least she doesn't have the heart to tell Tyrael how horrible his singing is. Tyrael has tried to learn a new instrument, the lute, and played a simple tune for a simple song he made up. [b]"I got all the time, to walk in the snow. I got all the time, to keep warm from the cold. What should I do, with all this time, when all the time I want to be with you?"[/b] Tyrael looked at Lyn while they walked through the courtyard, pass where they were just training. Already some others were around to clean it up and also practicing, Cyromancers using their magic to move the snow out of the way and make snowmen. They used sticks and stones to give them faces and arms. Some made statues detailing various people in the college, others just made little mounds with little heads. A few weren't even really training and were just throwing snow at each other for fun. [b]"With all this time, we could play outside. With all this time, we could stay inside. I have all of the time, in the world, so what do you think I should do?"[/b] Eventually they did reach the Dinning Hall. It was bustling as usual, and quite a few heads turned when Tyrael and Lyn entered. More so because Tyrael was still singing. But he didn’t care, he just looked ahead at the lunch line and decided that he’ll whip up something good, which he incorporated into his next line. [b]”Perhaps I could make you a meal. It would have pork, chicken or veal. And I’ll get you a drink. I know a lemonade that’s pink. I know you don’t like eating your greens, I won’t make you eat them, that mean! And with all this time in the world I’ll get you whatever you wish, because for my little Lyn, all I want to do is this.”[/b] Playing a lute solo Tyrael walked towards the kitchen, his presence announced in song, to get started on Lyn’s breakfast. Everyone gave him a wide berth and went back to work, even as curious as they were to his strange new mood. Eventually the music did stop since he needed both hands to make food.