[hider=Booker Waterman] Name: Booker Waterman Age: 21 Appearance: [hider=Picture][img]http://pm1.narvii.com/5672/2d492a17104aaca3900f9c1b9165beb28aa31234_hq.jpg[/img][/hider] Height: 6'1" Weight: 140 lbs Likes: videogames, ranting about trivial things, water, philosophy Dislikes: small talk, drama, coffee Party Trick: knows several tricks with a butterfly knife for no reason. Profession: Letsplayer, recently hired at the local arcade Bio/Personality: Before moving to the big city, Booker lived in a two story house with his parents. Although unemployed, he kept himself fed through his Letsplay channel, where he had enough views and subscribers to both make ends meat, and cause a bit of trouble for himself. After supposedly being kicked out by his parents for being a burden, Booker is a bit anxious to this new environment, having grown up in the suburbs before. He hopes to just fit into the mold here, not wanting to stick out as he has in the past. He'll make friends with people that will help him stick out a bit less. He won't try do anything to draw attention to himself. His bad habits might make that a bit difficult, though, as he has the inability to keep his hands idle, and has to keep them occupied at almost all times. When not twiddling his thumbs in public, he is alone in his single bedroom apartment with his Shiba, Jackie, playing videogames and recording himself doing so, with boxes remaining packed with his belongings that he should have emptied a while ago.[/hider]