And now for Twilight Highschool part 2! New relationship charts between our alt universe characters, put into hiders due to their length. [hider=Tyrael] Lucilia - Has a rivalry with Lucilia. At first neither really knew one another, but when Tyrael stumbled upon one of Lucilia's stoner friends getting high, Tyrael stopped him and threaten to turn him in over to the teachers (Tyrael normally doesn't care, this was mostly to blackmail the kid). Lucilia stepped in and managed to redirect Tyrael's attention to her, and the two haven't been on good terms since. Tyrael is annoyed by Lucilia and her cliche, but now it's become too personal for him to simply do the easy thing and snitch on them to the teachers. No, now whenever the chance shows up, he challenges Lucilia in order to humiliate her in front of others. Annabeth - Doesn't really know her. He's vaguely aware of her name and has seen her around, but she is neither someone who bothers him or someone he bothers. Helena - Another person Tyrael doesn't really know, though because she hangs out with Lucilia and her cliche (Or at least people who might be with them), he wouldn't hesitate to target her for his bullying either. Generally considers her a slut and doesn't believe her success was achieved through her own academic abilities. Does admit she's hot though, but he still doesn't like her. Baulder - A freak that frankly, Tyrael would rather avoid. And since Baulder doesn't bother Tyrael he isn't really a problem. They probably share a similar interest (no it's not eating deer hearts, though Tyrael does sometimes go deer hunting when it's in season) but Tyrael doesn't interact with Baulder well enough to bond over it. Mar - Complicated. He has a crush on her and understands her well enough to stay out of her way. Occasionally goes after people who bother her or spread rumors about her, but never lets he know or sees him doing this. Lyn - Likes her, but who doesn't? Tyrael is notably much more tolerate to being pranked and joked about when he's around Lyn. Of course if anyone does anything to Lyn, you can be sure that Tyrael is going to leave with the unfortunate fool, and no one is going to see the poor sucker again. Meirin - Some foreigner. Tyrael has some level of respect for her, at least physically, since she's good at volleyball and was a big help one time they were on the same team. Exasperated by her lack of knowledge in the language however. Myrn - Kinda annoyed by her. She's far too nosy for his liking, and her constant overachieving gets on his nerves. Often calls her out for her hipster fashion and how often she bites off more than she chews. Generally disrespects her. Athalus - Tyrael's main bullying target. While Athalus might be more cunning and witty than Tyrael, when it comes to being blunt and threatening Tyrael has the upperhand. He's aware of Athalus's feelings for Mar and it's another reason why he picks on Athalus, though Tyrael doesn't tell anyone about that part, and he certainly doesn't do it in front of Mar. Aramir - Doesn't know her. Vaguely aware that she's in the archery club, but because she's so easy to push around Tyrael either often ignores her (to her detriment) or if she's unfortunate, could be the target of his fury. Also thinks she's a lesbian, but also thinks that Aramir is actually a small boy. Uicle - Complicated. Obviously, Tyrael's behavior isn't acceptable and he's been creatively punished by Uicle many times. Though Tyrael has revealed some of his issues to Uicle, namely his father issues and his size (Tyrael has always been big and people treat him differently because of it). While not his favorite teachers, at least Tyrael isn't asleep in his class. Though he's still not paying attention. [/hider] [hider=Lucilia] Tyrael - A thorn in her side. Not only does Tyrael pick on some of her friends, he has a bone to pick with Lucilia. Lucilia tends to act like this rivialy is just a game to her, but she's quite aware that if she didn't intentionally make things more personal between the two, he could easily ruin her reputation and get her into loads of trouble by simply telling the truth. Lucilia herself keeps a wide birth from Tyrael, only antagonizing him when she can get something more from it than just bothering him. Annabeth - A friend, though Lucilia doesn't involve Annabeth in her more deviant activities. They share a few classes together and Lucilia can rely on Annabeth to handle work and responsibilities without her. Mainly menial tasks while Lucilia deals with more complicated or difficult work. She does think Annabeth could be a bit more "Interesting" if she ever wanted to. Helena - Also a friend. And likely the only reason why Lucilia and her cliche actually have good grades. While Lucilia is clever and fully capable of being a top-grade student, Lucilia mainly relies on Helena's smarts to help tutor and get them through more difficult assignments. In return Lucilia watches out for Helena and crushing any rumors about her, as well as smoking weed with Helena. Baulder - A real weirdo. Lucilia only knows him through his exploits and never met the kid in person, and honestly, has no intention of doing so. Mar - Lucilia wants to try to get Mar to join her cliche, though because she's so distant with everyone, Lucilia has very little info on Mar. She knows that Tyrael and Athalus has feelings for Mar, and intends to manipulate them into getting mar on her side (Mostly Athalus, though she knows how to use Tyrael too). Lyn - Essentially Lucilia's little sister, or at least that's how Lucilia thinks of it. Being around Lyn makes Lucilia feel like she needs to clean up her act and give Lyn a good role model, but at the same time, she wants Lyn to be able to "keep up" with Lucilia. While her ideology with Lyn is complicated, at the very least Lucilia likes Lyn very much. Meirin - Thinks she's pretty cool for coming from a foreign place and likes asking her about her culture and stuff. Does think that she doesn't need to work [i]that[/i] hard with her grades, figuring that the teachers would cut her some slack for being a foreigner. Not really a friend, but not really an enemy either. Myrn - She's alright, but kinda a blowhard. In a way however, Lucilia can get caught up in Myrn's antics and could compete with her for being a workaholic overachiever, if it weren't for the weed cooling her head. Wonders if Myrn would be as cool as Lucilia is if she did get her hooked on weed. Aramir - Doesn't really know her since Aramir doesn't interact with Lucilia or her clique much. She is aware that Aramir is a really good archer though, and has plans to recruit her for Lucilia's Zombie Apocalypse team since frankly, a lot of her friends would end up dead. Athalus - Kinda thinks he's cute, but knows he has feelings for Mar. She's completely aware of his illicit activities, just as aware as he is of hers, and occasionally they'd work together. Lucilia is Athalus' main buyer for weed even though she could easily get her own, mostly because she wants to control the distribution of drugs in school, partly because she wants to help Athalus with his money situation. Occasionally helps him with his interest in Mar, either by giving her tips or warning him of possible threats. Lucilia intends to use Athalus to deal with Tyrael somehow. Uicle - Lucilia wears a mask around Uicle. In class she's a quiet and good student, doesn't really cause trouble and seems focused on her work. But she's more than aware that out of all of the teachers in school, Uicle is probably the only one who would be able to sniff out Lucilia's activities on his own. Thus she makes sure that she and her friends stay off his radar by generally being good, if not exactly the best, students. Doesn't have anything against the guy, but she doesn't trust him. [/hider] [hider=Annabeth] Tyrael - Is scared of Tyrael. He's a big bully, and despite some of his more positive traits, he hasn't left a good impression on Annabeth. Fortunately they don't ever interact with each other, though she does worry he might recognize her at the bike shop she frequents. What he's doing at a games and comic store isn't her business, but she doesn't want his attention regardless. Lucilia - A friend who Annabeth tries to keep at arms length. She's vaguely aware of Lucilia and her friends less-then-legal activities, and while she isn't a snitch and doesn't have a problem with it, she doesn't want to get involved if Lucilia gets caught. Subtly tries to get Lucilia to clean up her act, but doesn't have the confidence to be upfront about it. Helena - A good friend, or at least that's what Annabeth believes. First met Helena when Annabeth needed tutoring and have kept in touch ever since. That being said, the rumors around Helena makes Annabeth a bit worried about being seen around her, though whenever Helena is around Annabeth doesn't run away. Somewhat wishes she could be a bit more like Helena. Baulder - As odd as he is, Annabeth doesn't think he's bad, just... Socially unique. Doesn't believe the rumors about him simply because they're ridiculous and she actually likes the taste of dear hearts, though they're usually not beating when she eats them. Not that she hasn't had a few problems with Baulder, but those mostly stemmed from mutual miscommunication rather than any hostilities. Can kinda understand what he's talking about, though she has to admit he's talking about things that Annabeth isn't well versed in. Mar - Annabeth knows Mar is lonely and wants to befriend her, but Mar also doesn't seem like she wants friends, so Annabeth doesn't get close to her. She has tried to befriend her once, but after that turned out badly Annabeth keeps her distance. She hopes that maybe they could have a mutual friend so they could get to know each other. Lyn - Everyone's favorite lil girl, and Annabeth is no exception. Though they have no classes together Annabeth often sees Lyn at lunch, and if possible would make her favorite meals. That being said, Annabeth doesn't really "know" Lyn very well, simply finding her friendly and approachable. Meirin - Likes playing volleyball and other sports with Meirin, using her intuition to figure out what Meirin wants to say. They're friendly rivals when it comes to sports, with Annabeth being better at things requiring speed like soccer or racing, but otherwise it's a tossup in skill. Considers herself Meirin's friend. Myrn - Annabeth has had a few awkward interactions with Myrn. She doesn't think Myrn is a bad person persay, but those interactions certainly allowed Annabeth to see a side of Myrn that isn't normally public. Kinda thinks it's cute though. Wants to befriend. Athalus - Kinda knows him since they have the same classes. She knows he has a tough family life and gives Athalus her sympathy, but she also knows that Athalus does some bad things to make money. Annabeth doesn't know exactly what he does, only that she doesn't want to get involved in them anymore than she does with Lucilia. Aramir - It's complicated. Annabeth once went to a party and got drunk and... She woke up in a bed with Aramir. She knows exactly what happened, and Annabeth doesn't think it's a bad memory, but she's willing to keep it a secret. Since then things have kinda been awkward around Aramir, though in private Annabeth does have some interest in getting to know the girl. Uicle - An okay teacher. Since Annabeth doesn't really get herself into trouble or has many problems, she's never had to speak to Uicle in private. He actually taught Annabeth's brother when he went to school, though Annabeth doesn't like to talk about her brother with Uicle. Is rather curious how old Uicle is, since if her parents are right, he was old enough to have taught them too. [/hider]