[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=peru]Agnes Brynja Johannsson[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/0274d27ea8fbf3b3474f55db0a81e720/tumblr_inline_nxgh0hBCun1sh6kg8_500.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Courthouse >> Outside the Courthouse[/center][hr] Bryn had done her duty here and she was ready to move on and get to work on the wall, however, she wasn't entirely sure if Bridgette was ready to do as much as well. She knew she didn't hold more than respect for the doctor here but she thought Bridgette might want to stick around for Astrid's sake since this [i]was[/i] the first time she had been in charge of a patient with an unknown element to it... It was really bad luck that it was the Doc that was the patient. Bryn's lips thinned and she shook her head. She could go out and defuse the situation between Zoie and Richard but she didn't much like her chances against Zoie for interfering right when Richard had started showing some form of emotion again. Although... Bryn wondered if Zoie would pull back like Bryn had grown to know her for when she got closer to something that she really wanted. Running her left hand over her braids, Bryn looked to Bridgette and gave her a silent but questioning look. Her right hand shifted her c-whacker to rest on her shoulder as she leaned beside the doorway that was the main exit and entrance for the Courthouse building. She gave a quick nod towards Bridgette as she exited. She'd give her some time and then follow her, a minute should be enough. At least it would have been were it not for the yelling she heard from outside next. She strapped up her whacker and withdrew her crossbow, notching a bolt and reeling it back into place, ready to shoot. [hr][center][h1][b][i][color=khaki]Dr. Victor Bonheur[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://static.tumblr.com/aa75d26cb085e9d843edd99caacd5cc6/pkcnu7m/Byln7xo2h/tumblr_static_52sif9e9ka8s4kksskogw4scc.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Home but not Home.[/center][hr] The pain subsided and Victor found himself feeling as though he were floating. He could barely open his eyes but he wasn't sure if it was exhaustion or just plain not wanting to open them. He twitched his fingers and realised that soft fabric was resting over his hands. He moved his legs and found them no longer bound, a light weight resting over them and the rest of his body. His eyes fluttered open and he saw nothing but brightness, sunshine and familiar decor. Sitting unsteadily upright in this bed, Victor looked around the room. It was his room, in his old house, the house where he had shared his life with Rochelle and raised his family. He glanced to his left side and saw the bed rumpled at his side. He also saw a [url=http://i.usatoday.net/life/_photos/2008/08/21/renox.jpg]wedding picture[/url] in an ornate silver frame on the bedside with a well worn book called [i]Les Fleurs du Mal[/i] - his wife's favourite book of poetry. Victor swung his legs over the edge of the bed and saw that he was dressed in his flannel pajamas. His slippers were sitting on the floor by his bed and he slipped them on slowly as he continued to glance around the room. He could hear children laughing outside and a dog yipping in the background. Movement came from downstairs and Victor, despite his better judgement, felt no need to find a weapon while making his way down to find the source of the noise. The door to the backgarden was wide open and letting a refreshing breeze flood in from outside, Victor's face showed shock that he couldn't smell death or decay on the wind. He walked forward, his bare ankles being tickled by the breeze as he walked into the kitchen. There was an entire spread of food laid out, some of it half eaten and the rest sitting waiting to be eaten. Voices flooded in from out back and Victor walked out to see who was making all that noise. [color=6ecff6]"Pépé!"[/color] A [url=http://img2.timeinc.net/people/i/2011/database/110822/emma-stone-5.jpg]young girl[/url] ran towards Victor and he felt her leaping up into his arms. He spun her around with a bright smile on his face. He kissed her cheeks and she giggled happily. [color=khaki]"Susette! Je ne savais pas que votre mère a été en vous apportant ici! Où est-elle?"[/color] Victor looked around and smiled as he saw his [url=http://static.celebuzz.com/uploads/2015/04/milla-jovovich-04012015.jpg]eldest daughter[/url] walking forward with a smile on her face. [color=khaki]"Marianne, ce qui vous amène ici?"[/color] Victor enquired. [color=f6989d]"Mère nous a invités, le père."[/color] She smiled as she walked forward and planted a kiss on each cheek, Victor returned the greeting and then enveloped his daughter in a hug. [color=khaki]"Avez-vous apporté Talia?"[/color] He wondered if she had brought his eldes grandaughter as well. [color=cyan]"I am here, pépé."[/color] [url=http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/8900000/Annie-Clark-degrassi-8995094-387-450.jpg]Talia[/url] always spoke in English. She was the rebel of the family who would prefer to blend in with American culture as much as possible, but she always called her pépé in French. Some habits never died. Victor took her in a one handed hug as he was still holding Susette in the other and looked at the family that his daughter had produced. He raised a brow as he realised that Tomas was not there. [color=khaki]"Et où est votre mari aimant?"[/color] [color=f6989d]"Tomas is here. He is barbecuing over in the corner."[/color] Marianne waved towards the smoking barbecue where [url=https://v.cdn.vine.co/r/avatars/6AE78329E91063505631975227392_pic-r-1396533712688c4afde8ecf.jpg.jpg?versionId=ZnGOSit0zozlhxpJk0w6QVx4cSozVRdq]Tomas[/url] was suddenly standing. [color=firebrick]"Hey old man! You forget to get dressed this morning?"[/color] He grinned and went back to cooking, the smoke spewing out like a chimney as he whistled and kept on cooking. Victor blinked and realised that something wasn't quite right. He looked back to his daughter and realised that she seemed different now. Victor rose a hand to feel [url=http://cdn.collider.com/wp-content/uploads/silver-linings-playbook-jennifer-lawrence.jpg]Marianne's[/url] cheek and she looked at him worriedly. At his touch her shoulder began to bleed profusely at the shoulder and a sawing noise began to ring out. As the noise grew louder and louder, her arm sprayed more and more blood until it finally fell off and dropped to the floor with a splash and a thud. Despite the amount of backsplash there should have been, the blood just bounced off of everything and landed in puddles on the ground. [color=lightgreen]"Père, êtes-vous d'accord? Vous ne regardez pas trop bon..."[/color] Victor stepped backwards and let Susette down and let her run off again. [color=khaki]"I... I need a glass of water."[/color] He stepped away from his family and back into the kitchen where he was suddenly faced with his son, [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/avp/images/9/92/Mike_aliens_3.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130414051040]Francis[/url]. [color=steelblue]"Everyt'ing okay, Père?"[/color] He held a hand up and felt Victor's forehead and pulled it away when he felt the chill on his father's skin. [color=steelblue]"I think we need to get you to bed... Mère!"[/color] He looked over his shoulder and called for his mother. When she didn't answer, Francis guided his father to the sofa and then ran out to find his mother. Instead, his son's wife [url=http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTAwMzgxNTMzNjReQTJeQWpwZ15BbWU4MDAwMzQ4NTAx._V1_UY317_CR131,0,214,317_AL_.jpg]Bianca[/url] came walking in with worry etched on her face too. [color=orangered]"Victor, are you feeling okay? Frankie told me you aren't feeling too well?"[/color] She crouched in front of him and sighed before standing upright again. She looked over and saw that [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/nikita2010/images/4/41/Nikita._Katheryn_Winnick.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130919111602]Angela[/url], one of Victor's neighbours who was a nurse, was walking into the room with Francis at her heels. [color=82ca9d]"Victor. How are you feeling? Your son told me that you're feeling woozy and unbalanced? Have you drank plenty of fluids today? How long did you sleep for last night? Did you remember to take your medication this morning?"[/color] She felt his temperature and then took his pulse and her face frowned. [color=82ca9d]"Your heart rate is too low, we need to get that up or call an ambulance if we can't."[/color] Victor rose his hands and shook his head. [color=khaki]"Non, non, non! I am fine! 'onest!"[/color] He tried to stand up but Angela stopped him and kept him down on his rear end. [color=82ca9d]"No Victor, you need to stay calm, you know this. Someone find Rochelle!"[/color] A knock on the front door sent Bridgette towards it and opened the door. A large man, known as [url=http://media.giphy.com/media/wbomIbUs5Bc2I/giphy.gif]Hector[/url] walked in and stared down at the group in moody silence, an annoying yipping little king charles spaniel barking at his heels. Victor glanced down at the dog and was taken aback. It had a [url=http://i65.tinypic.com/2prbtlc.jpg]woman's[/url] face on it. Victor stood up suddenly and pushed everyone out of his way as he scrambled away from the strange creature that was barking at him. Another [url=http://cdn.hitfix.com/photos/6076101/falling-skies-moon-bloodgood-season-4_article_story_large.jpg]woman[/url] came in behind the silent beast of a man and smiled apologetically before scooping up her dog and guiding her husband out of the house. They clearly had found the wrong home and made their way back out the way they had came. A scream sounded out from out front and Victor had to run and see who it was. It could be Rochelle! She could be in danger! As he made it to the front door, the voices calling after him faded into nothingness. He spotted a vaguely familiar [url=http://fullhdpictures.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Ali-Larter-Pictures.jpg]face[/url] standing by his car. She waved to him and smiled as blood began to pool on her shirt at her chest, a small hole erupting from her as blood sprayed forward and bounced onto the ground like mercury would. She slumped to the ground, her face still smiling and her hand still waving. Staggering backwards into his house, he shut the front door and locked it up tight. What was going on?! He heard children's laughter again, from out in his back garden. He made his way forward and then saw his granddaughters playing by the large oak tree that settled in the centre of the backyard. He smiled as he leaned against the door frame and watched them hitting a pinata with an aluminium bat. Although the bat didn't look too safe... it had spikes over the bottom of it. Frowning, Victor stepped forward as if to say something and his eldest granddaughter [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/90210/images/b/b5/Baranova.png/revision/latest?cb=20121214174805]Colette[/url] lifted her blindfold with a smile and winked at her grandfather before lowering it and smacking the hell out of the pinata that dangled from the branches. Victor smiled as some candy fell out and then suddenly a horrendous image followed. Gore, entrails, blood, fingers, pieces of human bodies all flooded out in a neverending waterfall as Victor tried to call out to his grandchildren to get away but they did anything but. The three young girls lunged forward and began to devour the human leftovers that were pouring forth, tearing at it like savage creatures. Victor couldn't bear the sight and ran back inside, slamming the door shut and locking it up tight. He slumped down to the floor and twisted himself into a ball, his back against the only thing keep his cannibal grandchildren away from him. He rested his head on his knees and began to sob. Footsteps sounded from across the way and he quickly glanced up to see what new horror awaited him. It was his wife's body but it was not her face. It was the face of [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/df/f8/c0/dff8c040e555081fbdc05a934f488342.jpg]another[/url]. That's when he knew this was a nightmare. [color=tomato]"Chéri, ce qui est faux?"[/color] [hider=Froggy's Dream] [color=6ecff6]"Pépé!"[/color] - Grandfather! [color=khaki]"Susette! Je ne savais pas que votre mère a été en vous apportant ici! Où est-elle?"[/color] - Susette! I did not know your mother was bringing you here! Where is she? [color=khaki]"Marianne, ce qui vous amène ici?"[/color] - Marianne, what brings you here? [color=f6989d]"Mère nous a invités, le père."[/color] = Mother invited us, father. [color=khaki]"Avez-vous apporté Talia?"[/color] = Did you bring Talia? [color=khaki]"Et où est votre mari aimant?"[/color] = And where is your loving husband? [color=lightgreen]"Père, êtes-vous d'accord? Vous ne regardez pas trop bon..."[/color] = Father, are you okay? You don't look too good..." [color=tomato]"Chéri, ce qui est faux?"[/color] = Honey, what is wrong?[/hider] [hr][center][h1][b][i][color=tomato]Richard Johnson[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/bef2cbd0c7c7bc7aef2d31a0d52c8d22/tumblr_ne8itdqkcE1ty8mi0o8_r1_250.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Outside the Courthouse >> Outside Zoie's House[/center][hr] He hadn't expected her to take him back, but he expected her to maybe not run the fuck away straight away, you know? He knew he should have apologised sooner but it was just his pride. He always hated admitting he was wrong. He never expected her to just pull back like that as if she didn't deserve his sorry ass. He looked down at the ground and scuffed his boot along the dirt before sighing. It was only this moment of not watching her back that she ended up in trouble. He heard her voice and looked up sharply. [color=tomato]"ZOIE! FUUUUCK! BRIDGETTE, GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR AND FUCKING MOVE TO HELP HER!"[/color] Richard ran full pelt towards Zoie and wondered if he'd make it in time. He knew something was up, if that thing didn't have a sharp instrument deeply embedded within its cranium then there was a reason for it. He hated the sight of her struggling beneath the vaguely familiar looking Deadbrain but he didn't have his guns on him plus gunfire was strictly frowned upon within the walls unless needed. He didn't need another lecture from Cap. He pulled his knife out as he drew closer before he heard a whizzing noise fly past his left side. The Deadbrain slumped on top of Zoie and Richard kept running, skidding to a halt so much that he had to use his hand to slow himself down fully. He was out of breath but yanked the Deadbrain off of her before realising there was a crossbow bolt deep within it's cranium. He breathed a sigh of relief and held his hand out to help her get up off the ground. He glanced down the street and spotted Bryn just standing there with one hand on her hip and the other holding her crossbow on her shoulder. She gave him a tiny wave of the hand before she moved over towards where Bridgette was still just sitting watching. Bitch was going to get an earful from him later. [hr][center][h1][color=darkslategray]Svetlana Volkov[/color][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m136seDxcq1r7exvr.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: The crash site >> On the move[/center][hr] After getting herself fixed up, Svetlana made sure she had everything she needed. Knowing she had a can of gas in the back of the now destroyed car, she thought it would be worth going back to see if it was intact. Much to her annoyance, the entire can was missing and she was sure that even if she tried to find it, it would be laying on the ground with a giant hole in the side of it or some other such bullshit. Sighing, she hiked up her pack and continued walking down the road. She rose an eyebrow as Ed made a big deal out of his leg again and rolled her eyes as she continued walking, however, the moment she took her eyes off of him he fell into her! She spun around to try and catch him and felt his hand slipping from her shoulder, it's intended target, and slipping down to grab onto her [i]zhenskiye kholmy[/i]. She yelped in surprise and felt her cheeks flushing as she slapped him on the back of the head. [color=darkslategray]"Nikogda bez moyego razresheniya!"]/color] She pushed him back off of her, yet still made sure he was steady before letting him go. She punched his non-injured arm and then turned on heel and stormed ahead from him and Amelia. [color=darkslategray]"Nikogda bez moyego razresheniya..."[/color] Her voice trailed off as she moved forward. She was scowling but her cheeks were still flushing. That was the first time she'd been touched by another person without choosing to be. She wasn't sure if she was more mad at herself for being embarrassed or at him for being a French idiot. Huffing, Svetlana considered the view before them and sighed. She glanced at Amelia as she began talking and then shrugged her shoulders before making her way over to the busted up sedan. She didn't know a lot about cars but she knew enough to drive and maintain it basically. She noticed the old truck had a missing battery and the station wagon looked okay but was most likely empty of fuel. She wandered over to check it and found her assumptions were correct. She knew how to siphon gas but the last time she had done it she had puked so hard she was weak for days. That last endeavour was what had gained her the gas for her now destroyed vehicle and the can of gas that was now god only knows where. She made her way back to the sedan and then looked for the car battery within it. She waved her arms and motioned Amelia and Ed over. [color=darkslategray]"Amelia! Ed!"[/color] She pointed to the car battery from the sedan. [color=darkslategray]"Avtomobil'nyy akkumulyator."[/color] Then she pointed to Ed and made a jerking, pulling motion from the battery to the outside of the car. Sure she could have spoken in English and had Amelia translate but she did not trust this girl who so conveniently happened upon them on the road after their completly unfound accident had occured. She still thought Amelia was in with a bad crowd that were following them and just waiting until sun down to attack. Well Svetlana was not going to be taken unawares. She thinned her lips and repeated the motion before pointing to the car battery again and then to the truck. She loved playing charades. [hider=Svetlana's Translations] [i]zhenskiye kholmy[/i] = feminine hills [color=darkslategrey]"Nikogda bez moyego razresheniya"[/color] = Never without my permission. [color=darkslategray]"Avtomobil'nyy akkumulyator."[/color] = Car Battery [/hider][hr] [sub][color=ed1c24]*GM approval was given for all content here within - rolls were made and special permission was given to use FCs and text colours for this one and only dream sequence. Enjoy![/color][/sub]