[center][h1]Cassidy Howe[/h1][/center] [b]Full Name:[/b] Cassidy June Howe [b]Nickname:[/b] N/A [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]World:[/b] Earth [b]Race:[/b] Werewolf [B]Human Appearance:[/B] Cassidy is basically a pixie when it comes to any physical attributes. She is only an inch and a half above five feet, with an almost painfully slender build to her. Her Face is heart shaped, with a long thin nose and rosebud lips. Her eyes are large and rounded, A bright hunters green in color, and are framed by thick long lashes. Her hair is a rusty reddish brown in color and is very frizzy in its curlyness, Making her hair stand out in a halo around her head. She keeps it short in an attempt to keep it under control. She is usually seen smiling, quite the anomaly among werewolves, So she usually has a dimple in each cheek in evidence. [B]Wolf's Appearance:[/b] Cassidy is much smaller than the average werewolf, which means that she is still a little bit larger than an adult gray wolf, with ample amounts of very fluffy white fur. Splashed across her back in a saddle pattern, The lower half of her tail, along each of her front paws, The backs of each of her ears, And running in a stripe above her nose are spots of reddish brown. Speckled and spotted within these brown areas are splashes of white, mirrored in the white areas which have splatters of reddish brown. Each of the pads on her toes, paws, and the skin of her nose are pink in color. As a wolf, her eyes are a bright gold. [b]Distinguishing Marks:[/b] N/A [b]Clothes Wear:[/b] She highly favors dark washed jeans, slip on black shoes, and various colored tops that consist of empire waist that are loose and flowing on the bottom. But she will, on some occasions, wear brightly colored T-shirts, Some of which feature humorous graphic designs printed on the front. In all of her clothing choices, comfort and ease of removal are highly sought after, just in case she needs to make a hasty change into her four-legged form. [b]Ability/Power:[/b] Cassidy has always been much faster and more agile then other werewolves she knows, which is saying a lot, what with werewolves being fast and agile creatures to begin with. She has a very keen sense of smell and sharp hearing, Even in her human form, Often noticing details that others miss. She has a remarkable recovery ability, healing quickly above and beyond others of her kind. Her transformations are also shorter, taking only A few minutes instead of fifteen or twenty. Despite this, her strength and eyesight are still on the average end of the spectrum, though considerably better than an average human. Strangest above all else, Cassidy is able to soothe those around her, though this ability often works without her consent, and she is able to project her thoughts into other's minds, But only when she is in wolf form. [b]Weapons:[/B] Fangs and claws are all she needs. [b]Personality:[/b] More often than not, Cassidy is positive and almost always bubbly, Always ready to give a compliment or encouraging words to those around her. She doesn't like confrontations, So is easily quick to agree with someone. Despite this, she has a good sense of what is right and wrong and isn't afraid to disagree when someone is making a wrong choice. If things get heated enough, Cassidy's temper comes out and in this state she can be rather belligerent. Fortunately, she isn't easily roused to anger, A quality envious of any werewolf. She had to work long and hard to achieve this ability. She forgives others quite easily and doesn't believe in holding grudges. One unfortunate aspect of her personality is that she is quite the crybaby, Happy, sad, scared, the waterworks flow for almost any strong emotion. [b]Major Positive Traits:[/b] upbeat, optimistic, cheerful, always sees the good in others. [b]Major Negative Traits:[/b] has difficulty standing up for herself, acts out irrationally when angered, often oblivious to tense or awkward situations. [b]Ticks and Tags:[/b] [u]Ticks:[/u] When she is thinking, she has a tendency to use the fingernail of her pointer finger on her right hand to pick at her thumb nail on the same hand. When worried or unsure, she bites at her lower lip. [u]Tags:[/u] ? [b]Other:[/b] Cassidy can't swim, something that comes along with being a werewolf, Whose bodies are too dense to float. Because of this, she's never really had any desire to learn how to swim in her human form. She doesn't remember where she got it, but Cassidy is always carrying around an amulet affixed to a stainless steal chain she purchased one summer. It is a small oval disc that is made of some pale golden metal, with the edges shaped into a wavy border. Set into the center of the amulet is an oval cut piece of pink rose quartz, overlapping designs of circles radiating out from the edges of the stone. She always has it with her, though she isn't entirely sure why, and rotates between wearing it or keeping it in a pocket. She absolutely loves and craves anything and everything that is lemon flavored. [b]Short Bio:[/b] (Coming soon!)