[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ccff]Cecily Ashworth[/color][/h1][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/49b32c9b0240218077cc12afd95743f3/tumblr_inline_n0rcbnfnqa1rsud01.gif[/img][hr]Location: Justice Memorial; Room 2319[/center][hr][hr]Cecily nearly squeaked, realizing her mistake. The events of the day were starting to mess with her head, and she blushed a bit, accepting the phone back from Gregory. She raised an eyebrow at Caesar's response. Had she not been positively terrified and convinced the Mexican could kill her with a stare, she might have raised an issue with the language. Instead, she sent back a rather meek reply: [center][color=00ccff][i]This is Cecily Ashworth. Thanks.[/i][/color][/center] Handing the phone back to him, Cecily shrugged slightly. [color=00ccff]"Maybe I'm in shock? Dunno. Haven't felt like this since cramming for five APs the night before,"[/color] Cecily joked, attempting to lighten the mood. Had it been any other dead guy in the room, she might have succeeded. Shaking her hand out again, she made a mental note that punching people perhaps wasn't for her. She'd stick with science, leave all the punching and such to Gregory. Returning to her work, she found little else in the room. The television was informing the public about yet another suicide, but she was far too frazzled to pay attention to it. She couldn't find any other bugs in the room, but she couldn't help but be paranoid that they'd tapped her cell phone. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up slightly, as she couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching her. Cecily nodded at Gregory's advice, deciding that she'd start to carry her gun on her. It wasn't much use to her now, locked away in her apartment. [color=00ccff]"I know...Listen, I can come over to your place tonight. If you bring whatever evidence you can, files, the whole deal...I can see about analyzing it all there. Send me a text and I can let you know what kit boxes to bring. It's a bit rudimentary, but..."[/color] She trailed off, not wanting to say the obvious. Someone within the forensics department likely had their hands dirty, so to speak. The evidence locker wasn't the safest of places for this information, and the other forensic techs might easily pass off a positive result as a negative one. It wouldn't allow them to use AFIS or CODIS, of course, but those could be done later. And they would take ages to process as well. [color=00ccff]"Would you, um, would you mind walking me out?"[/color] Cecily asked sheepishly. [color=00ccff]"I'm kinda new to this whole people shooting at you thing...I'm not sure reading comics about it is the same..."[/color]