[@Plank Sinatra] [@Dragoknighte] [@Rekaigan] [@DrunkasaurusRex] [@Kobayashi] [@OneWayOut] There are still two security positions and two science positions available. [s]The CO/XO position is now available as well.[/s] [@The Spectre], I'm waiting on your character sheet for the captain, so I'll consider that position filled for now. I'd like to get rolling fairly soon, so anyone who is still interested please state what you position you intend to fill and submit a character sheet within the next day or two. [s]If there are multiple submissions for the CO/XO, I will select whichever complete sheet is submitted first.[/s] I don't want anyone to be left out, so please let me know if there's any problems or questions. Also, anyone with an approved sheet should expect a PM from me soon.