[h2][color=magenta]Ashton Griffone || The Cornerstone[/color][/h2] [@Evil Snowman][@LovelyAnastasia] Ashton blinked her gem like eyes slightly nervously, the edges of her smile twitching as she watched the tiny girl seem to be utterly terrified. It wasn't the firefighter's intention to scare the poor thing. Well, it was probably Marine's intention but still. The young lady looked pretty harmless, Ashton was pretty sure the red head would break if the taller woman so much as touched her. The tall blonde perked up as the noire man walked over, breath tinging with the scent of alcohol and smoke as he seemed a little infatuated with the cute girl. But otherwise, seemed harmless in his intentions with just the interested flirting, so the giant wasn't too bothered. Smiling at him friendly like, even though she was basically ignored, but she still waved after him in farewell as he left. The red head had barely been here and already the cutie was getting attention. Such is the life of cute adorable girls like this one. Returning her attention to the small stranger, Ashton looked over the ID, eyes flickering to meet the apparent 'Kaori' as the girl explained the situation. Stuttered it, but explained. Kaori was just a little shy of being legal, but if she had friends and was legitimately waiting on friends, Ashton supposed she'd let it slide. She honestly was just a little worried over Kaori's safety while on her own. It was then the pale boy came up, Ashton still had to look down to meet eye contact. Another visitor she was slightly keeping a eye on. So far though, he seemed fine and healthy so his situation wasn't as worrying. He was kind enough to offer his booth to the red head, what a sweetie! It made Ashton smile warmly. However it vanished the moment she heard him call the tall woman a sunflower. The gears in her head ticked slowly as it processed the words. Was that a compliment? Did she of all people get a compliment by basically a stranger? Who cares she was taking it as a compliment. Her smile soon returned, amethyst eyes shining and sparkling like a brand new gemstone that was pristine. One could imagine stars just sparkling out of them as she gingerly placed her left hand on top of the mess of white hair and pat it. Careful not to crush it under her muscled hand in her excitement to show her appreciation. She'd hug him, but didn't want to get him dirty. Also, she sorta at times forgot her strength. Carrying forty to eighty pounds a day makes one forget the strength that gives. And when most were half her sized, she tended to try a bit extra careful. She was unsure if these two could take a full on crush hug. Tapping the counter, the sound thundering and echoing in the bar, the bartender instantly approached and looked at her curiously. Releasing her gentle pats on the white hair, she shot a thumb to Kaori before cupping her left hand to make a 'C' then moving it to her mouth like drinking a glass. Then crossed her arms in front of her before her purple gaze circled in a dizzy manner. [color=springgreen]"Water. Got it."[/color] The bartender mused as he got a glass, clearly used to Ashton's wordless acts. Giving a double excitable thumbs up in victory, she then motioned to the white haired boy then crossed her thumbs and pressed her fingers together in their respective hands. Gingerly flapping them like a bird or other flying creature. Probably a butterfly. [color=springgreen]"Blue Fairy. Got it. Want one too?"[/color] The bartender asked, when Ashton shook her head he nodded. [color=springgreen]"Water and soda then?"[/color] he asked and went to make the drinks when the tall boyish woman nodded and gave another thumbs up. Ashton didn't know what the pale boy liked, but Blue Fairy was something she liked. It was considered girly, a cocktail, but it was sweet and tasty. It was also a nice way to say he was sweet. Her eyes caught sight of someone new entering the place, whom looked a bit uncomfortable and started typing away at a laptop. Made her a little curious what he was up to.[@dabombjk] When the drinks were placed at the counter, she happily held the drinks out to the two of them. Her gaze flicked to a bumbling man who shuffled over, and she watched him look at Kaori and give a sleazy smile. Oh not again. [color=orange]"Mhmm.... Heeey... Hic.... Toots.. Wanna... Dance?"[/color] he slurred, clearly drunk. Ashton sighed but smiled brightly as she stepped in between, basically blocking view. Holding her hands in front of her as she waved them foreword gently to try and deter and calm the man. [color=orange]"Mhmm.... Heyyyyy... Outta way Goldibear love child...."[/color] he slurred, the comment hitting the top of her head like a imaginary boulder. Feeling herself cry on the inside. Was she a Sasquatch now or something? [color=orange]"Wha you wanna fight bub? Cmon then put 'em up!"[/color] the burly drunken man groaned, lazily pulling up his fists and rolling them up like he was ready to box. Quickly, Ashton shook her head and waved her hands as well to side to side in 'no no no definitely not' manner. The man didn't seem to listen.. Uh... See... Or just didn't care as he made a swing with his right hand. The firefighter easily caught it in her right hand, causing him to whine in complaint at how her grip hurt, and twisted it in the uncomfortable direction that made him whine. With a sigh, the tall blonde reached with her other hand, grabbing the back collar of his shirt and lifting him off the ground. Carrying him toward the entrance, setting him down and opened the door. She shifted through her wallet then gave him enough cash for the money before lightly shoving him out. Waving at him with a bright smile as she closed the door as he rubbed his hand uncomfortably. Cheerfully, she moved back to Kaori and the white haired man, grabbed her glass of water and took a sip from it. She innocently looked to the red head before tilting her head and raised her hands. Tapping her left hand against her wrist questionly. Wondering how long her friends were going to be.