[Center][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-QubzbpHZDHo/VrBAOAho9HI/AAAAAAAAd_M/pSVvI67FjSI/andrew-cooper-models-massimo-dutti-modern-essentials-ss-16-94_thumb%25255B1%25255D.jpg?imgmax=800[/img] [H2]AXEL ROBERTSON[/h2] [H3]26|FOURTH GENERATION HUNTER|THE EAGLE EYE[/h3] August 2, Leo [Url=https://youtu.be/RaveinO4_vs]Me Too- Megan Trainor[/url] Axel comes from a long line of hunters, the first generation of his hunting line specifically dealt with witches and was the only one to survive the New Salem and Sanctuary raids. He is sort of hunting royalty and tends to flaunt his family name to other hunters because even other hunters know the Robertson line of hunters are some of the best in the business. He has three brothers, all of whom have decided to focus on vampires, but Axel decided to stick to their roots and specializes in witches, though he knows a fair bit about vampires and werewolves from where they grew up and how they hunted. His latest hunting group is full of specialists and they called on him personally because his great grandfather's journals have more information on witches than any other source they have. Axel uses a lot of close range weapons, like brass knuckles and daggers, though he carries around a Colt for added protection. He prefers close combat and is known for being totally accurate, his entire family having learned archery and knife throwing at a young age.[/Center]