After Angelo had won the competition he was more then just overjoyed and knowing that his performance was shown to the world made his victory all the sweeter. He hoped his parents could see it and finally understand that this was something he was truly intent on doing for a career. When the principle called for all the winners to come up and get their rewards for winning Angelo examined his new duel disk thoroughly. It was something very interesting to him and he had no doubt that it was made especially for the turbo duelist in mind he put it on and didn't want to take it off. It was his first real victory here and now he felt he could go on for the next few years he would be staying here. When he was given the new synchro monster slipstream dragon he happily put it in his extra deck right next to his Dragunity knight. Now with two synchro monsters he felt more confident he could win his next duel. He fell asleep that day with a smile on his face. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It wasn't long though before he started hearing rumors about what was going on in the school. It seemed that they were being targeted specifically by this "dark dorm" as they seemed to be called. Hass was able to get Angelo out to the cafeteria to hear what he wanted to say on the subject. Angelo didn't know what he could really do but someone deliberately attacked Ethel it was like they declared war on them. Angelo was by no means going to let that slide and when Hass started to explain what he wanted to do he did his best to get the entire group fired up. Commendable but utterly pointless and when Andre started to bad mouth the idea and mocking them Angelo didn't want to respond. He didn't care what he thought because it was his choice whether or not to help. Ben was a good friend to Angelo so when he asked if anyone else was in Angelo raised his hand before saying [color=green]"You have my support. I am in wind dorm with Ben so ill work along side him. Lets not forget the fact that Ethel was attacked while supposedly turbo dueling I'm going to try and see about anyone that might have seen something happen and if not ill give Ethel's duel runner a proper checking their may be something that the others missed"[/color] Angelo said to everyone. After all he was the resident mechanic with the group so it made sense for him to put that talent to good use and examine the duel runner. He was sure that he helped everyone with their duel runners or duel disks at one point in time so he could easily see if something was amiss their.