[color=2e3192][center][h1] Kieran Hishamie [/h1][/center][/color] [hider=My Hider] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/04/b4/3b/04b43be3c8bd2df1409699904cd017ad.jpg[/img] [/hider] Kieran watched in amazement on how the tall women easily dispatched the drunken man. She moved with such grace and finesse that Kieran began immediately typing away notes. [i]The amazon of the night scene graciously moved forward, striking down her foes in the blink of an eye. She emerged victorious, and required no praise. for she knew exactly what she had done and was quite urgent to move on with her life.[/i] Kieran saved his document and closed his laptop, returning it back to his bag. Kieran drank his drink in one fell swoop, then paid for it. Kieran turned around to leave when he noticed that the women who he had just finished writing about had not left yet. She was fairly pretty to be sure, and while he had no real urge to talk to her, she was by far one of the more interesting ones here. She was with a few people but maybe that wasn't bad. He had a bit of writer block so maybe this would help. Besides he was just going back home anyways and he wasn't tired. Kieran began walking over to the female warrior when someone bumped into him, causing him to trip forward into someone else. The person Kieran tripped into spilled their drink all over his shirt, causing an angry stir. Kieran tried to apologize but only received mild insults about him, his mother, and his genitals. Kieran began getting slightly angry. It wasn't his fault! [color=003471]"Well excuse me assholes of the frickin year,"[/color]Kieran said to the group of people who were insulting him.[color=003471]"It was an accident. Listen if your guys lady friend here needs her drink that badly then may I suggest going into the back of this place and receiving a shot of every guy and lowlife hanging about? Because it seems to me either your extremely drunk and you don't need to drink anymore, your too dumb to have any common sense, or your all a bunch of 'thirsty' assholes." [/color] Kieran realized that may have not been the smartest thing to say. The three guys out of the five people in the group started moving forward, slightly tipsy. Kieran began backing up, realizing his mistake when he bumped into the women he had wrote about earlier. [@silver fox]